My LO got her PCV vaccination today and it has only been about 10 hours and we've noticed quite the set of side effects.

I have another close friend who said she believes her kids also react strongly to the vaccine, but instead of bothering her, I thought I would ask you guys.

About 8 hours after her vaccination, she had a huge diarrhea poop. We were just being seen for constipation, so diarrhea is VERY VERY VERY unusual for her (she never has loose stools). Is 8 hours too early to be a reaction from a vaccine?

She's been crying on and off all day. She can't get comfortable. On our walk (which she usually loves), she screamed.

I just put her down for bed and she feels like she is absolutely burning up, despite being given Tylenol. Her head, hands, and feet feel incredibly hot.

She's refusing to sit up (or even really hold her head up straight) or put any weight on her legs.

Neither of my kids have ever reacted strongly to a vaccine, so this is new to me.

Does this seem like a normal reaction? Did any of your children react in this way to the PCV/Prevnar vaccine?