There's a potential constitutional amendment coming up in Colorado (where I went to have my termination, ironically) to grant personhood to fertilized eggs. If this had been in effect, I could have gone to prison this year. Possibly even last year, when I had 2 miscarriages while living in CO, which could have been considered suspicious. Apparently this came about because a pregnant woman was in an accident caused by a drunk driver, and the baby was killed, but they can't charge the drunk driver with murder because it was unborn. And I get that, I really do, having had a late term loss. But the consequences of a bill like this are SO much farther reaching than that. This is NOT a simple black and white issue. If you live in CO, please take the time to learn more about this, and to vote when it comes up.

"Here's what Amendment 67 would really do:

-Outlaw all abortion in Colorado, even in cases of rape and incest.
-Ban some of the most common and effective forms of birth control, including the Pill and IUDs.
-Make it illegal for a pregnant women with cancer to choose treatment that could save her life.
-Restrict options for women wanting in vitro fertilization.
-Any birth that isn't a live-birth -- so miscarriages and still births -- could be deemed suspicious deaths and would be investigated by police."