Hellobee Boards


picture posting policy/privacy policy?

I don't know to whom this question should be directed to so I am writing a post! Maybe the answers can benefit others.
Is there a way to remove a picture from HB once it is posted? I am coming up to my EDD and I so desperately want to post pictures of baby but I don't want them up for years and years...maybe just a day or over a weekend.
Also, I am still iffy on whether to ever post a picture of myself either so I was wondering if we had any privacy settings on HB or again...a way to remove pictures after they're posted.

P.S: The only way I figured out how is to post them from Flickr or something....let everyone see them for a day or 2...and then delete them off of Flickr which then removes them from HB.

  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @TurtleDoves: I do the photo bucket thing that way after a day or so I delete the link. Otherwise I'm not sure there's another way to remove it unless Mr. Bee goes in and does it? Which would be a hassle!

    Even then like Mr Bee mentioned someone can always screenshot it.

    Anddd just so everyone is aware if you have a Pin It button on your browser you can pin any pictures on the boards. Just like you can anywhere else.

  2. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @regberadaisy: ah crap...screenshooting. I mean it's not that I don't trust the current people on HB....It's more that I don't want people to google it later on in the years and find my son. I'm paranoid...not sure why but I am!
    Thanks for your answer! I think I may do the photobucket removal thing.

  3. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    There really isn't a way to privately share pictures on a public website. Sorry!

    We have considered offering virtual support groups with a private forum. Kind of like the mommy groups that a lot of new parents join (Bee joined one here in Brooklyn). They'd have to be limited in size, to limit the chances of screenshots and other privacy issues. But in there, you could share private info and pictures a bit more freely.

    Is that something that guys would be interested in? We'd have to charge a small fee... so please that into account when answering!

  4. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @mrbee: would it be a completely different site or a smaller section of HB? Would it be a one time fee or recurring?

  5. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @regberadaisy: a smaller section. It'd be around $25 a year or less.

    The support groups would be on certain topics, like date twins or adoptions or multiples, etc.

    EDIT: Actually, I'll raise this idea in a separate thread later.

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