About two weeks ago, another side of my daughter came out. She is 20 months old and throws a raging fit for half of her diaper changes. Screaming, crying, rolling over, kicking and clinging to me. I am noticing that it happens more when she is tired which is understandable but what can I do to curb this?! She gets so angry and almost starts to gag herself. I have tried being calm, I have tried throwing a fit with her (which does cut the complete breakdown time in half), letting her pick her diaper, and just taking off her diaper and letting her roam free. Some fits last up to 30 minutes and she gets mad about EVERYTHING I do, taking off her clothes, taking off her diaper, wiping her, and of course putting her diaper back on. Is this a terrible two's preview? I have a newborn coming in two weeks...I don't think I can handle all of this and I am starting to freak out. Thanks for reading this long post! I am willing to try any and every tip!