Guys, I have HAD it with DD2. I've only been with her for an hour this morning and am already cursing to myself in my head. All she does is freaking whine. I'm not talking about because she's hungry or tired or whatever, I mean ever word out of her mouth is in a whiny voice and if you're unable to respond immediately for whatever reason (mouth is full, I was already talking, etc.) the already slightly whiny tone turns into the highest pitch whine she is able to achieve and repeats herself over and over until she gets a response that she feels is satisfactory.
It is so frequent and so severe that I feel it is beyond the point of repeating back to her what she said in a better tone/wording. She is an attention seeker. She doesn't care they type of attention and will do anything to be the center of a attention, I know that plays a part but I can't let my whole life around her need to be the focus of everything. I don't know what to do. I have a very short temper with her lately because sometimes I just want her to stop effing whining!!
Anyone have advice or resources to refer me to?
(BTW, she is a very verbal, full-sentence speaking, newly 2 year old).