Okay, so back story...

Miss is 3 this month. She basically decided on her own she was ready to toilet train about two months ago and has been amazing since - for wees. She's in undies all the time, except for nights, as she is nowhere near ready for holding comfortably at bedtime yet. (That's ok, we'll let her lead there too.)

In the early days of toilet training, she'd wait til her night time nappy to poop.. so that was fine; it was obviously her choice to wait. But as the weeks went on, she's definitely started to HOLD a lot more than what she is/we are comfortable with.

When I ask her about poops, she tells me it hurts - and I know that's because of the holding. She walks around clutching her butt when it's getting bad, but we physically cannot 'make' her go. I'm at a loss, because I'm not sure what else we can do to encourage her - there's no pressure to have to do it in the potty, we've even offered nappies to help her feel secure with it - but even that's not helping!

Thankfully it's not affecting her peeing, she's still a pro.

This is a kid who has NEVER, not even as a baby, had an issue with constipation - so we're at a loss. Doctor said it can be a normal thing while children are learning to control the potty training journey, and has given us some drops to try and help soften things up... but it's not helping the holding.

She eats a tonne of fibre and fruits, etc. I'm just wondering whether there are any other suggestions for working through it with her, or if this is just a mental block we need to let her work through on her own.