Our little guy has been having a rough go at it lately, and I was hoping to get some wisdom from the hive.

My son is 3.5 months old, EBF, I am gluten-free, and as of 2 weeks ago, dairy free. I am gluten sensitive and feel better off of it, and I eliminated dairy to see if it would help my son's eczema.

A month ago we were admitted to Children's for observation because he started vomiting blood. About 12 hours in, he had digested blood in his stool, we thought from the initial vomiting of blood. We decided against scoping at that point, because it was an isolated incident, his blood levels were stable, and he was otherwise healthy.

Fast forward to two days ago, when I opened his diaper to find a huge amount of digested blood. We were admitted again, and the GI specialist did an endoscopy and everything looks healthy. He had a few more dirty diapers, all with decreasing amounts of digested blood, and we were discharged with a plan to check for a diverticulum (extra portion of intestine). It's going to be a long road to any diagnosis because of his size and the fact that the symptoms are intermittent.

I can't help but shake the feeling that his eczema and his GI issues are intertwined, but the GI specialist doesn't really seem to think they are. I was wondering, though, could all of this be related to MSPI? I was changing his diaper today and noticed it was kind of mucousy looking, and that really hasn't been out of the ordinary for him. Sometimes he'll have typical EBF poop (yellow, mustardy, etc), and other times its green and slimy. I just always attributed the green to him not getting enough hind-milk, but now I'm questioning it. (I can provide a picture if you'd like, but I'm fairly certain that people won't enjoy looking at a picture of poop)

Any thoughts? We're trying to get into a naturopath to look at him from a more holistic viewpoint while pursuing the medical side as well, but finances are super super tight right now. I just don't know how to best advocate for him right now.