You all probably know my story: PCOS, long cycles, no ovulation without medication. My treatment plan is going to include monitoring, clomid, ovidrel and progesterone supplements. At this point I'm pretty confident that I will get pregnant once I am being monitored and treated. I'm very happy about that because, well, at least I will have that one baby one way or another. I am grateful for that.

However, my husband and I always wanted to have a larger family of 4-5 children and I worry now that that will just be too hard. I'm nearly 27 now and I assume it will get harder and harder to have children as I get older, even with treatment, and it's already so hard as it is. I also worry that maybe the Canadian government won't treat me after I've had 2-3 children... I don't see a lot of hope that I will ever conceive without medical intervention.

Does anyone know of any cases where someone with PCOS/Infertility went on to have 3+ children with treatments? Is it unrealistic of me to hope that we could still have the large family we planned? Is adoption my only option if I want to have 4 or 5 kids? Will they even let you adopt if you already have 2 or 3 kids?

Anyone else with Infertility have dreams of a large family?