I'm trying to keep busy while I wait impatiently for the baby to make its arrival... help me waste time with online shopping?

so...about a month after the baby comes (could be as early as 3 or 4 weeks- but hopefully not), my husband will be graduating from med school. I know this will be difficult to navigate with a newborn- but I'd like to be able to attend the graduation ceremony, and hopefully at least one of the two dinners he is invited to. I know it will be difficult, but I"m hoping that with the help of in-laws, baby carriers, strollers, pacifiers, my boobs, etc- we'll be able to make it work.

My question is about clothes- I need nice things to wear that are breastfeeding friendly, and good for postpartum bodies.

I'm definitely going to order this dress: http://www.bodenusa.com/en-US/Womens-Dresses/Below-Knee-Dresses/WH504-BLU/Womens-Blue-Lupin-Jersey-Maxi-Dress.html
because I can re-use it for my friend's wedding in June. We are in Vermont, so it won't be super warm out but I figure I'll be fine with a cardigan.

What are some other clothes I can get dressed up in for the dinners that will be comfortable, flattering, and offer easy access for breastfeeding?

Bonus points for links!