We did the 3 day method of potty training this weekend and C (2.75 years) took to it like a champ. Just a few pees in the living room first thing before she recognized when she had to go, and one unfortunate poop Sunday morning (sorry kitchen floor). A tiny accident Monday afternoon while I was getting the baby to sleep (I think she forgot to pull her underwear down actually) and NO accidents yesterday!

But, she is in and out of the bathroom constantly. Like 4 times an hour or even more sometimes. She will pee just a little bit, or one tiny poop, say I'm done! I try to get her to stay longer but it doesn't do much, and the only way she will really stay longer is if I let her watch a video on the iPod, but then she has a tantrum when I take t away. So that's fun.

Overall in really pleased with how well it's gone, just wondering how long I can expect it to be an every ten minutes thing? Also we did M&Ms as rewards so in sure that's part of it. It's so new I won't phase them out yet, but when she goes while we are away from home I do make her wait until we get home for the candy. (Don't worry, she doesn't forget).

Also, especially girl mamas, what do you do at a playground with no bathroom? Run home? Squat? Bring a travel potty? My friends son just stands behind a tree and pees. I have the little bjorn potty (the smaller version) that would prob fit in the stroller but I'm thinking I might just return it (still in packaging unused right now).