LO likes to stick his hand in the toilet and we try to keep the lid down. However, I want to capitalize on his curiosity by setting up the bathrooms so he can use them.

There are the two options I am thinking of for the toilet. Do you have any experience or feedback with this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013IJKI1K/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1BBFTG4AXBPEO&psc=1 that replaces the current toilet?

Or experience with https://www.amazon.com/BABYBJORN-Toilet-Trainer-White-Black/dp/B0009PAN7Q/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1499852967&sr=1-1&keywords=bjorn%2Btoilet%2Bseat&th=1 and similar https://puj.com/collections/all-products/products/puj-easy-seat-toilet-trainer?

Using Lucie's List I have settled on this stool https://www.amazon.com/Bumbo-BMB301-Step-Stool-Blue/dp/B00ATLI7QO/ref=pd_sim_75_4?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=ESE8KYJ1N95XM45Y3K7R&th=1, do you have it? like it?