My DD is 3 years old and we are unsure of how to proceed with potty training. We have been doing a sticker chart with m&ms and a prize bag for almost 2 weeks with mixed results. She knows what to do and is excited when she does it, but depending on her mood and what she's doing, she will refuse to use the potty. (I suspect that she doesn't want to stop playing to use the bathroom?) We just went on a 3 day/2 night vacation and she used the travel potty on her own with the exception of 3 times. It was amazing and out of nowhere - she would announce that she had to go potty and then she would go - zero pushing from us. Once we got home this afternoon, she's back to refusing to use the potty again. We aren't pushing it, but what should we do? Lose the pull ups and force the issue? Go on vacation again? Lol