DS is 2 years and 9 months and consistently uses the potty at home while naked. He recognizes the need to go, runs to the potty and goes with minimal prodding; it's very rare for him to have an accident while naked.

However, as soon as we put clothes on that goes out the window. We tried pull ups first and he basically treated those like diapers. He'd tell us he needed to pee and would go in his pull up instead of running to the potty.

I started underwear this past weekend thinking that would help (underwear at home and staying at home as much as possible; pull ups out and diapers at night/nap since he's in the crib). The underwear is better than the pull ups, but he's frequently having accidents in them too. When he does, I rush him to the potty, we try to go a little more, and then we get a fresh pair. We are doing light incentives.... he gets a sticker on his chart for every pee, and after 10 stickers gets to watch 1 TV show (screen time is minimal so he's very incentivized by this).

Should I just expect these underwear accidents and hope they'll dwindle with practice? Is there anything I can do to minimize the accidents? Would you use underwear or pull ups for errands during this time?