How did/ do you handle going to the potty at night or nap time? C is almost 3 and has been day time potty trained for a few weeks. She wears a pull up at nap time and diaper at bed, and especially after nap, it's often dry.

The problem is she will wake up and cry for us saying she has to go potty. Multiple times a night. I've said you can't help if you go in your diaper at night while you are sleeping- because I really need us all to sleep. But she cries for us until we go take her.

I think she is waking up because she's been sick and just using that as an excuse to get out of bed and get attention.

How do you handle going to the bathroom during the night? Tell them it's ok to go by themselves? Leave a little potty in the room? Get up with them?

I'm so tired.