I'm at my wit's end. DD will be 3 next month and she is 90% potty trained with pee. Poop, is a whole different story. She WILL NOT TELL US SHE NEEDS TO POOP. She basically just goes in her panties. Every. Single. Time. She will tell us AFTER the fact and ask to be changed but will not do so beforehand. I will ask her if she needs to go and even ask her to do it in the bathroom (even if it IS in her panties) but she just won't. Plus she's not predictable with her bowel movements so it's not like I know she's going to go every morning at 9a (for example). She is NOT afraid of the little potty OR the adult toilet. She loves flushing and wiping and watching the water go bye bye. She has successfully used noisy public restrooms as well for pee. We have tempted her with treats, prizes, a potty chart. Yet I am cleaning poop from her panties every single day. I have even begged her to ask me for a diaper or a pull-up to poop in...but she won't! Help! What do I do?