My daughter is 19 months old and we recently brought the small potty out of storage. We weren't intending to potty train yet but she saw it and was excited to use it. She peed and pooped on it the first night. We let her sit on it if she asked but didn't push it at all. She had a few more successes and a few times she sat on it and nothing happened.

But today she peed on the potty and got really upset. Then before bath she insisted on sitting on it but refused to pee. It got to the point where she clearly had to go, but wouldn't go on the potty or her in diaper and just stood there crying because she had to pee but didn't want to go. It was so sad. We've put the potty out of sight again hoping she'll forget about it, but has anyone had a situation like this? What did you do to help your LO? I wanted to keep the experience low pressure and positive and now I feel like I messed things up for the future.

TL;DR: What did you do if your child didn't want to pee in their diaper, but was also afraid to pee in the potty?