Well, our goal was to be potty trained by now. I had a nice big long stretch of time off work from Dec 22 - Jan 3. I read 2 books and bought all the crap that the books recommended. I stayed calm. I had rewards if the occasion called for it. I bought a ton of juice.

Nothing went right. My kid is a camel. He can hold his pee FOREVER. He is also on to me. I tried getting him to drink a bunch of juice and he wouldn't. In 4 days he peed on the potty 3 times. Had 4 accidents and otherwise saved pee for naps and night.

I tried to make it exciting with the rewards and he would just tell me that he didn't want them!

He asked for diapers constantly and refused to even sit on the potty. It because a fight each time and eventually I gave up on day 4 in tears.

Please commiserate or give me advice. I'm all ears.

I'm worried that he's 2.5 and will not be potty trained ever.

ETA: oh, and don't even get me started on underwear. That was the most traumatic experience of all...