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Potty Training Drop Outs - I need to hear from you

  1. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    @.twist.: I would give it time - My DS was 33 months when he decided on his own he was ready
    (he asked for underwear) and had 1 accident the 1st day and that was it - he was 100% pee and pooped trained by waiting until he was ready.

  2. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    @.twist.: didn't read through all the responses but I was so worried my daughter wouldn't be potty trained until college. I tried so many times to encourage her to use the potty from age 2 and on. Nothing worked. If anything, it stressed her out and at one point she yelled, I don't want to hear about potty anymore! That showed me she just wasn't ready. Our awesome pediatrician said to leave her alone and once she was ready, she would come around.

    Lo and behold - 3 years, 2 months, she casually mentioned that she wanted to try using the potty. We tried not to freak out and put her on the toilet and she peed immediately. She said she was done with diapers, took them off, and was pretty much trained. We didn't have a single accident.

    After this experience, im all for letting them go at their own pace. So many ppl around me raised their eyebrows at a fully functional, super talkative 3 year old still using a diaper, but whatever. She just wasn't ready and no amount of research, bribery, treats, etc was going to work.

    I say let it go and follow your child's cues later

    Ps - I've also seen that kids who are potty trained later tend to train quickly and not regress as much as children trained earlier.

  3. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Mamaof2: @pinkcupcake: Thank you both! I love hearing this because it gives me hope. The books really made it seem like we were doomed.

    @pinkcupcakes: I told L (as per the books suggestions) that big boys wear undies and babies wear diapers. He now tells me that he is NOT a big boy and doesn't WANT to be a big boy. So... he's definitely not ready. I know we'll get a lot of side eye, but whatever.

  4. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    @.twist.: oh we totally went through that too! She said she didn't wanna be a big girl and she loved wearing her "die-pees." Whatever to the side eyes. We were one of the last ones trained in preschool which totally stressed me out but our teacher was amazing and said in her 20 years of teaching, she hadn't seen any 6 year olds in diapers during the day

  5. Irishmom

    cherry / 236 posts

    We tried potty training my daughter at 2 1/2. We thought she was ready...she was verbal, understood the process, etc. It was a disaster! I still have nightmares about it. Tons of accidents, tears (from both of us ), sitting on the potty for 20 minutes with nothing and then as soon as she got off she would have an accident. After a weekend of that, we decided to take a break from training. We tried again right when she turned three. It was the easiest thing at that point. She didn't have any accidents and it was painless for everyone.

    I read the Oh Crap book and was convinced we had missed our window and she'd never be trained. I truly think she just wasn't ready at 2 1/2 (I mean I think she physically was ready, but emotionally/mentally just didn't care). I wish I hadn't stressed like I did. She did it when she was ready and each child is different.

    Good luck. Potty training is tough stuff!

  6. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @.twist.: I've got selective hearing. I've read stuff like that too, but since we've been to lazy to start I take the advice I like best

  7. Irishmom

    cherry / 236 posts

    I just read @pinkcupcake: and completely agree. People would tell me that if she is old enough to be talking in complete sentences then she is old enough to be trained...in theory that's probably true, but it didn't work for my daughter. She's stubborn and it had to be on her terms!

  8. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @knittylady: I need to work on my selective hearing!

    @Irishmom: I am much less stressed after this thread. Our experience was similar to yours and by all the books L should be ready. Like you said, he speaks in full sentences, understood the process, understood the consequences, occasionally told us he had to pee (and then did). Overall, he's just mentally not ready yet. I need to follow his lead.

  9. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    C is no where near ready to be potty trained. He understands what the toilet is and what it's used for. He knows to throw toilet paper in there and how to flush, but won't go himself. I've put him on there when I caught him mid pee, but he'll hold it, look down, tell me "pee pee"? I say yes and nod very enthusiastically while he looks down and tells me "no" while shaking his head. So I take him off and he'll finish peeing right next to the toilet, on the floor. Sigh.

    If he went pant/underwear less, he'd just go where ever he is, then tell me "mommy, it's wet. clean up!" So that's a no go.

    I haven't tried having him wear wet underpants yet, but I'm sure he'd just tell me it's wet and to change it (like when he poops in his diaper). But I don't foresee it encouraging him to go to the toilet since he'd probably just try to dry it off himself with a napkin or take off his pants. But who knows, this might work!

    I'd love for him to be potty trained before DD gets here in March, but it doesn't look likely. I'm just going by his cues and if he's not ready, there's nothing I can do. I'm still holding out hope it all works out very, very soon! =D

  10. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @.twist.: I'm not sure what their reason is. They do "transition" time between rooms, but it's been a hell of a long time transitioning and going back and forth between rooms for this long is not helping her get used to it. The one-year room doesn't have a potty and her teacher in there (our favorite) can tell she's ready to train, but we can't do anything until she's in a room with access to a potty full-time.

    I'm seething. I need to get it under control until I can talk to the director. Apparently, another parent in our class had to demand that their child move over permanently and I'm going to have to do that too.

  11. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @Anagram: Thanks for the link! That post wasnt up when we were working with LO but i did have a chance to watch the videos. unfortunately, at the time of our first attempt i was only able to take 4 days off to potty train before returning to work, so i'm sure there was some underlying pressure there no matter how casual I tried to be. Knowing my daughter (and probably most toddlers) they have to want to do it in order for there to be success and she's just not there yet.

  12. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    I have tried a training a few times and it sounded very much like your experience. By chance we had a breakthrough the other day and we weren't even trying so when he is ready it will happen.

  13. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    Just wanted to mention one other thing, since he was older, he was tall enough to stand and pee in the toilet. My DH would drop some cheerios in there for target practice. That really helped get the ball rolling.

  14. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    We haven't even started E on the process yet (we own two potties and talk about them a lot, but nothing has happened in them and she has zero interest). Like you, I just want to be done with diapers! I hate the money spent buying them, the trash can full of stinkiness, just blegh. Then there are days (like being at Sesame Place, or at Disney on Ice) when I see the ginormous lines for the bathroom and am a little bit relieved that I don't have to worry about an anxious kid who HAS TO GO RIGHT NOW and dealing with that. So...there are some up sides to this? At least, that's what I tell myself .

    This thread at least gives me hope that we haven't missed some magical timeline and aren't destined for a teenager in dipes.

  15. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @.twist.: We waited until a couple months before DS was 3, and he trained very quickly - it's definitely not a problem to wait. But I wanted to mention that your discovery that your son is a camel is great - that will make your life a lot easier once he is trained! DS is a bit of a camel, and my main fear - that we'll have to find public bathrooms all the time when we're out - never happened. He can hold it longer than I can!

  16. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    I was so scared DD would be in diapers forever. She's 38 months old and the oldest in her preschool class not potty trained. However, all of the potty kids have trained just after turning 3. Her pediatrician said it was okay but we'd talk at 3 1/2 if she wasn't potty trained yet. A few days before Christmas, DH and I were talking about something in one room and she just simply walked into the bathroom and peed on the potty. She has been completely potty trained, no accidents, ever since. It was like the easiest things ever....except for all the months before it that I was trying to rush her.

  17. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    Thank you all so much. I feel 100% better about my decision to put him back in diapers and wait until he gives me some more queues that HE is ready to take the reigns.

    @StrawberryBee: there are definitely perks. LOL!

    @Beehive: I do think it shows that he's physically ready, which is great! He must take after me. The ultrasound tech when I was pregnant said I had the biggest bladder she's ever seen. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or not.... hahahaha

    @Tidybee: wow! That is awesome! I hope L is that easy to train.

  18. reverie

    kiwi / 661 posts

    @.twist.: man I could have written this except we're day 10 into this method. My son is also 30 months (DANGER) and it did click for him in the middle. For days like 5 and 6 he was going unprompted once or twice a day. He was already being camel like, but would still go. The past two days he has held his urine from 8am wake up until 2pm b/c he knows he is getting a nap diaper. After nap he's only up for another 3 hours or so and holds until PM diaper. I don't know what to do. We've never had a successful poo either. I feel like such a potty training reject since like 5 kids in my mom group all did this method with early and continued success.

    I don't want to stop b/c we are having a second in March and I'm afraid after she's here we'd have to wait quite a while to start again. Not sure what to do Maybe I'll send him to kindergarden and he'll just hold it all day haha and ask for a diaper at home. Sooooo hard to be the one lagging when everyone else seems to be doing OK>

  19. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    We just gave up after 8 days. G is 2.9, also holds indefinitely (but doesn't seem bothered by it - despite being well hydrated, she just doesn't go regularly even in nappies) - and she started begging for her nappies and showing signs of actual distress, so I decided to leave it for a bit and pick it up later.

  20. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    I could have written this post. I tried casually with my DS from about 2 1/2 to 3. After Thanksgiving I decided to do a boot camp and it was a nightmare and we quit on day 2. I felt like such a failure. We backed off and let him potty when he wanted, asking only occasionally. We tried underwear this past weekend and it's been a night and day difference from last month. Few accidents so far and he's telling us when he needs to go. His preschool teacher and dr said he'd do it when he's ready and even though I felt like he's the oldest untrained kid out there I think that was me comparing him to HB and FB. Oh he's almost 3 1/2 now

  21. BananaPancakes

    grapefruit / 4817 posts

    @.twist.: I didn't even start potty training until DS was almost 3.5. The first couple of days were tough for me, but he was fine. And he was fully (nap and night) trained within 2 weeks. I think it was easier because we waited until he was really really ready. We did the oh crap method and it had me freaked out because we were way past the window they recommend, but it was just fine. Don't worry about it. He'll get there.

  22. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    I'm a parent potty-training failure because my son is turning four in less than two months and we've been potty training for a freaking YEAR. We started Christmas break last year, he was 33-34 months? He liked it at first, that lasted a week. It's been a struggle ever since. He'd have some weeks where he was great, no day accidents, but it took him a year to poop on the toilet. To this day, he'll only go #2 on the toilet maybe 2-3x a week and it's because we know his schedule and physically put him on the toilet.

    All the bribery and cutesy underwear in the world didn't work.

    He is nap trained at daycare (not sure how she did that... But he does take much shorter naps at daycare than he does here), but still wears a diaper to bed. And like your son, he'd hold it all in until the diaper went on.

    So yeah. I feel ya. If there has been any parenting experience that has made me hate being a parent, it's this. I have cried over it more than I care to admit and wanted to give up so many times. Every one I talk to has told me he's a boy, and boys take a lot more time and it's normal, not my fault, and he'll get it eventually. It's still been a super crappy experience and I hope he gets it soon.

  23. PurplePeony

    pomegranate / 3113 posts

    My DD is 25 months and she's liked to sit on the potty for MONTHS but has only actually used it at home a couple times. At daycare, they're supposed to sit on the potty at every diaper change, but there's no pressure to use it, and DD generally pees on the potty there once a day, maybe twice. But some days, she just won't go near a potty at home or at school, or she'll sit for .04265 seconds and declare herself all done. As much as I'd love to be done with diapers, I just don't think she's ready because it's obviously not something she wants to do and forcing her into anything has proved pretty futile. My plan is to wait until her teachers say she's ready and then go for it.


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