My twins (turned 2 in May) are showing so many readiness signs for potty training, but I'm intimidated by the logistics of potty training two little people at the same time!

If you've potty trained twins, or two children close in age at the same time, how did it go? Any tips specific to twins? We already have two potty seats that they've been using for about a year. Is it worth getting a second set for downstairs so I don't have to leave one kid alone downstairs while I take the other up to potty?

I guess that's one of the things I'm nervous about - did you always take them to the potty together, or do them separate? How do you rein in the chaos of two 2-year-olds in a confined space like a little bathroom?

Also, once they're getting the hang of it and we're back to our regular activities, how do you handle the logistics of two newly trained toddlers in public restrooms?