My oldest daughter is nearly 28 months. We decided to start potty training because she kept asking me to change her diaper every single time she went, if I said she needed to wait she would lose her mind so I figured she was ready. I decided to take a slow and steady LO-lead approach due to her personality type. I let her go diaper free when she asks and go sit on the potty when she asks. We read potty books and we talk about using the potty when she gets upset about a dirty diaper. In the past 6 days she has successfully peed in the potty both times she's requested to go diaper free with no prompting from me at all. My question here is would you continue to let LO lead or would you take the reigns and push her more in the direction of using the potty? If you would add a little more guidance, how would you go about it? Potty training makes me feel so lost!