Hellobee Boards


Progesterone...use vaginally (any pointers/experience with this?)

  1. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Weswife: hmmmm good question. I don't think I did. I never got sore boobs or anything, pregnant or not. I have read that P can cause pregnancy-like symptoms but I can't recall it ever happening to me!

  2. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: I have had food aversions and food cravings... But I am trying not get my hopes up Becuase its so early

  3. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Weswife: good luck this month! When can you test?

  4. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: on the fourth of June... 😬 And if not this month then we go to Clomid and more stuff 😕

  5. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Weswife: good luck! We got pregnant the cycle before we were to start Femera and have our IUI/IVF orientation. I hope the same for you!

  6. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: me too! I am worried about Clomid some the progesterone hormones are making me so emotional I don't need anymore things to make me whacka doodle

  7. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: did you feel anything different with progesterone... I know I need to quick thinking about it, but stuff is different.

  8. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Weswife: I just went back and looked at my chart notes for this BFP cycle. On 8 & 9 DPO I did write down that I had "lots of symptoms": light cramping, acid reflux (which I never get) and waking up hungry. I tested positive at 10dpo. Not sure if I can contribute any to the P, I don't think it made me feel any different. What are you feeling?

  9. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: like just lots of random feelings in the uterus region, tightness, heaviness... And it's not all the time either. I also have been emotional, picky with food... Just stuff like that and none of its major. I just don't want to get my hopes up and then be let down. I should really just ignore all of it and move on with life until testing day 😬

  10. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: also textures are really bothering me with foods! And I juse wanted to say a huge thank you to you! Thank you for responding to all my questions!!! ❤

  11. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Weswife: no worries! Good luck. You can wall me f you have any more!

  12. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @delight: I have had cramping now for two days EKK


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