When they say a certain brand of diaper rash cream really shouldn't be used with cloth diapers it's for a reason, not just a friendly suggestion. My arms can testify.

E had a rash for a few days while we were at my MIL's. I usually use Angel Baby Bottom whatever, but I forgot the jar at home. It wasn't too bad, and I was just going to let it be until we got home, but she pulled out a tube of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Me, being dumb, forgot to check to see if it was recommended for use with CDs. Totally my fault, I wasn't thinking.

I didn't actually think anything of it at all until I washed them and the Butt paste was still there, and causing my diapers to leak. I spent a good solid hour today meticulously scrubbing those things with a toothbrush and blue Dawn. They're on their second rinse cycle, so I have no idea if it worked yet...I'm trying to prepare myself for having to do it all over again, though.

So learn from my mistake--buy diaper rash cream that's compliant with cloth diapers. Don't forget it at home. If you're unsure, don't use it. Stripping them this way is a Huge PITA.