Did Pull and pray work for you?
If you got pregnant while doing this, how close to ovulation were you?
Obviously there's a risk! But wondering how people have fared..especially with a very regular cycle.
Did Pull and pray work for you?
If you got pregnant while doing this, how close to ovulation were you?
Obviously there's a risk! But wondering how people have fared..especially with a very regular cycle.
papaya / 10570 posts
It worked for us for a year and a half, with no tracking. Then DH didn't pull out.... and she's 10 weeks old!
pineapple / 12793 posts
Rory was conceived on the 31st day of my cycle. The only time we had sex in two months. He didn't pull but I figured we'd be ok because my period was due the next day. Had what I thought was a late period six days later...
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
DH and I P&P for probably 10 years and never had a single scare / accident. DD1 took a year and DD2 9 months, actively TTC. So, clearly I'm not exactly a fertile myrtle. Anddd I think the guy plays a lot into it too. All it takes is a second too late.
Butttt I will probably go back on some kind of contraception now that we are done.
coconut / 8472 posts
We've never tried it. But if we had an "oops" with the method and it was our only form of control, I'd go out and get some plan B the next day. (Assuming a pregnancy wouldn't be welcome).
watermelon / 14467 posts
It worked for the two years prior to conceiving H and then for several months after she was born.
I'm 25 weeks pregnant with my little PNP oops. As @oliviaoblivia said once, be careful out there.
eggplant / 11861 posts
About 5 months but it was more NTNP with pull out from DD being 3 months to about 9?! Then is was full NTNP!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
It worked for us for the sixteen months in between pregnancy 2 and 3, which was planned. Every single time I've heard of someone having a PNP oops it's because the guy failed to pull out.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
I saw this title and I have to admit I was hoping you were preggers! More cute babies!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I'm so sleep deprived. I will start a new thread for.... Not pulling and planning around O. Hahaha. Ugh.
@mfa_lady: what's another when I already don't sleep?! LOL!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I always have very long cycles (never O earlier than cd20) so we'd use protection starting around cd10 but have one or two pull and pray days early in the cycle. So we were sort of doing it, but I thought we were being smart about it.
And then I had a cycle where I apparently O'd on cd14, and we'd pulled and prayed on cd9. Oops. I'm 15 weeks along now.
honeydew / 7917 posts
PNP worked for us for 5 years when we were dating and engaged. Didn't realize how fertile I was until we NTNP.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
We used it for years with no problems but last summer things got a little messy one time and I guess it must have been around O time because I had a positive test a little less than 2 weeks later...followed by my first pp period. So, as long as we were careful it was totally fine! And I got pregnant first try this time around and before even getting my period back last time but it took a full year coming off the pill when we tried for LO1.
pear / 1593 posts
Worked for 8 years for us. But I think pull and pray is a loose term. We were extra careful when I thought I was near ovulation, I do have long cycles though, so I didn't always know if I was near.
ETA: I worried it meant I wasn't fertile that it worked so well, but it only took a handful of months each time we TTC'd even though I had several miscarriages during the process that complicated things.
eggplant / 11716 posts
Used it for years with no issues--but also no late pull outs and no oopsies or no anything else.
Once we started trying, we conceived quickly both times.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
We have used it when we're definitely weren't trying but a pregnancy wouldn't be totally unwelcome either. We were planning to start TTC baby number 2 in the next few months, I got my period back as baby 1 was weaning. We had one time when Dh was too slow, baby is 6 months old today.
So yeah. Personally I wouldn't use it when a pregnancy would be really unwelcome.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
We have been using PNP method for over six years with no oops. But we don't use a rhythm method. We pull every time, regardless of where I am in my cycle. DH is also very good at knowing his body.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
We did pull and pray while I was nursing DS2. Every time we didn't pull we got pregnant. They all ended in early losses though.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
It worked for us as long as we never assumed there's a safe time to not do it. I was also nursing and had no clue when my period would be back. Once it was back, it still sort of worked for a couple months, but as soon as we stopped PNP every single time, I got pregnant. Even though it should have been nowhere near ovulation.
persimmon / 1445 posts
DD and my current pregnancy are both results of PNP (but we both come from super fertile families and kinda figured this would happen so they are both great surprises)
persimmon / 1322 posts
We used it successfully for a year or so before we ttc, and again for a few months after baby was born. We only use it when we would be ok with a pregnancy happening anyway.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Well I got pregnant with LO2 the one time we didn't pull since LO1 was born. I had just gotten my cycle back and apparently, I was ovulating. Shocked me because LO1 was conceived after a year of actively TTC.
apricot / 485 posts
It worked for us. We used it with NFP after my first pregnancy. I temped, used OPKs, cervical fluid, etc. We used it when I was fertile. And I got pregnant with both kids from having sex once (not pulling out) so I'd say it worked very well.
We also used it before my period was back but there was little risk of pregnancy anyway at that point.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
Yes it worked until DH didn't pull out! First time resulted in DD1 - was about 2-3 days before ovulation. Second time ended up being a CP and we had DTD on CD7! I usually have loooooong ~33-36 day cycles) so never would have thought CD7 was a possibility!
cherry / 223 posts
PNP worked for us for 4 years. The first month we were actively trying I got pregnant with DD. Scared me so much (since it happened so quickly) that I got the Mirena after I had her!
pomegranate / 3411 posts
I had literally just started tracking my cycles and was on month 2 of tracking. Month 1 was wonky so I figured I could not predict ovulation but it was definitely not the week we had the oops. Well I was wrong. DS1 was a total drunken (too much wine on Valentine's Day) accident. Not entirely sure if we actually pulled or not.
From tracking my cycles to conceive DS2, I learned i ovulate late in my cycle with short luteal phase. So thinking back to DS1, I was actually probably close to my typical ovulation but had no clue. And then I had implantation bleeding which was at the time of my expected period.
apricot / 329 posts
It worked for 11 years for us with no cycle tracking - but we pulled every time and my DH is apparently very good at it. I was slightly concerned about my fertility that after 10+ years we had never had an oops (given how unreliable this method of BC is supposed to be), but we got pregnant on our first cycle trying twice now (and I was 35+ both times), granted carefully charting and using OPKs both times.
I think the success of this method has everything to do with the guy's talent and control!
persimmon / 1132 posts
@stratosphere: The "success" of this method may also have something to do with an unknown issue with MFI.
Not to make light of IF issues, because they are a total drag, but we PNP'd for 7-ish years without any surprises. I had really regular periods, too, and come from a long line of very fertile myrtles. Then we TTC for about 6 months including temping and TI. I knew something was up when I wasn't pg right away -- just knew it. Sure enough, severe MFI! We never really needed to PNP...as it turned out.
Of course, this MFI kind of surprise isn't something that would happen if you already have a LO #1, unless there were other issues going on. We got pg with IVF fortunately!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
As with any birth control, you have to use it correctly for it to be effective. You wouldn't say "Condoms don't work! The one time we didn't put one on we got pregnant!" If he pulls every time, it's highly effective.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I was taught that pre-ejaculate fluid can sometimes have sperm in it, so this is why I've never used it.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@travellingbee: agree! I think there is a difference is always using PNP and having a guy that can do it on time versus the planning method failing
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@travellingbee: right! I think most of the responses are "the one time he didn't pull...."
papaya / 10343 posts
We used it successfully for one year and as others have said... the first time he didn't pull out I got pregnant. Made me feel pretty good about the method actually because apparently I'm pretty fertile so to not get pregnant for a whole year it must have worked pretty well for us.
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