My SIL has started seeing(? not sure of the correct term, maybe courting?) a Muslim man. She is also learning more about Islam, learning Arabic and very seriously considering converting. We have all met her friend and like him a great deal.

Our family is Christian, although not very religious (although I am trying to immerse myself more recently) and we celebrate Christian holidays. With Christmas coming and the start of Christmas shopping, I've been wondering what I should do. I am assuming that my SIL will still be celebrating Christmas with us, at least this year and I'm not sure if her friend will be joining us. Would it be appropriate for our family to give him a Christmas gift? I don't want to be insensitive or insulting by forcing our traditions onto him, but I also don't want to exclude him! I don't know much about Islam or their holidays and maybe there is a better way to approach the holiday season altogether? Can anyone help shed some light for me?