Who do you have??
ETA: not including their normal daycare or preschool provider... aka: they are sick and can't go.
Who do you have??
ETA: not including their normal daycare or preschool provider... aka: they are sick and can't go.
nectarine / 2180 posts
If its a weekday thankfully those are E's typical daycare hours anyhow. Otherwise my parents and sisters are 30min away and we could probably cobble something together, even if it meant rotating E with different family members.
pomelo / 5258 posts
I'd have an upset boss because I definitely wouldn't be in my 7.
I might be able to get the school age one into a one day camp 7:30-6 because she's already registered for a few days this summer. Can't think of anyone else that's around and could help.
persimmon / 1345 posts
If this was emergency, I would call a friend to watch bc our kids can play with each other. If it was something in advance, I would get a high school babysitter
pomelo / 5129 posts
If it's last minute, it has to be me.
If I know he's going to stay home a day or two in advance, MIL and SIL are willing to take sick time to watch him as long as they can miss work (SIL is a police officer, so she can only do it if she doesn't have court that day)
Or with a couple day's notice, I can beg my mom (who lives 90 minutes away) to come stay for a night or two.
pear / 1728 posts
We’re really lucky to live near family - we have three sets of grandparents that can cover if needed. 99% of the time either me or DH will take off work for sick days, though.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
If LO is sick then I most likely would have to take off work. My MIL for sure won't watch them then (she lives right next to us), and my parent's are 45 min. away.
We have 8 days in August where daycare is closed and of course my parents picked that week for vacation too
coconut / 8483 posts
I don’t work because we would have no one and my husband can’t take time off for a sick kid.
nectarine / 2243 posts
No one. This was a major driver in why I had to stop my part time job. My husband can’t miss work, is the breadwinner x 1000 and works in a high stakes field. I have a part time sitter on certain days but if it falls outside those days or she calls out I’m SOL.
persimmon / 1023 posts
Closest family is 45 mins away so if the kids are sick one of us is staying home. Luckily DW can work from home whereas I have patients to rebook. She always takes the first sick day and I take the second. If one of us wasn’t available, the other would be off.
Everyone else we use or would call would be working or with their own kids during the day so getting a sitter wouldn’t be an option.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I stay home, LO comes with me to work, some combination of those two, maybe could get care@work backup care (my employer provides a subscription) if the above were impossible....
pear / 1565 posts
That would be my mom. Both kids took turns being sick last week so DH took Monday, Tuesday DD2 was fever free 24 hrs to go to school, Wed was my mom, Thurs was me and Fri was my mom again.
If my mom was unavailable (on vacation), then DH & I would have had to take turns. Not ideal as I have limited PTO, but we just pray that these instances are few & far between...
Our last resort is my MIL, she doesn't drive and is about 35 min away so DH would have to go pick her up.
persimmon / 1427 posts
My options would be my parents or MIL. If that didn’t work, I’d have to work at home with a sick kid. (Which means rescheduling any nonessential calls and working as many hours as possible while the kids are asleep).
I also know people that use a back up care service that will provide a nanny to come to your home when your kid is sick. I’d look into that in a pinch.
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
Literally no one. Which is a huge reason for why I love my very flexible job and am neurotic about setting up backup for anything that might come up at work because I wouldn't have someone to back me up at home.
nectarine / 2047 posts
We don’t live near family so either myself or my husband would stay home depending on how each of our days are.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
Sick days are only me or DH, so if he is out of town there is only me.
pear / 1718 posts
I could call my mom, she lives 2 hours away and runs a business, so it would be iffy. If I do call her, I don't request her to come until 8am or later, out of guilt.
If it was a true emergency (which I would be hard pressed to say so, due to the nature of my job) I could ask my in laws, but we are the most suffcient of their children and they rarely make themselves available because they think we are super people and can do it 100% on our own.
I have a neighbor babysitter who works 4 days a week, so I could see if it's her off day. I also have 2 other women I could call, but I would not unless it was dire.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
In-laws (who are our childcare provider)
SAHM friends are my.normal back up but not with sickness
Otherwise I'd bring them to work. Yep, I would. It would be far from ideal but if I felt like it was my only choice....? My mom used to do this with me, rarely. She worked as an accountant in the upper floor of an apartment complex, and usually she'd set me up in their meeting/conference room worh lots of bools, coloring books, TV, tissues, meds, ginger ale, crackers, etc.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
There's also a business here called "Kids Park" that offers drop-in childcare, so I could do that and hope they're not significantly sick. But it's $15 per hour which would be $120 a day, which is more than what I take home in a day, so I'd rather take unpaid time or bring them in.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@Ajsmommy: This happens to me at least a couple times a year. We have 0 family nearby. We have 2 occasional/part time sitters and VERY RARELY one of them can cancel their other plans and stay with our kiddos during the day. But usually it has to be me or DH, and if he's OOT, then it has to be me, no matter what I have going on at work.
Also, I know people here are going to freak out, but when my back is really up against the wall (it's happened at least 1x before that I can remember), I've totally done the give-the-kid-tylenol thing and take them to daycare anyway, and then leave work early when their fever comes back and I have to go get them.
I had to do that once when DH was gone on a 9 day work trip to London, and I was home with both girls. One kiddo got Strep and I left early and took 1 day off for her; then the other popped a fever in the morning right as I was leaving for work, so I KNEW it was strep also, but I was hosting a "Battle of the Books" event at my school and absolutely had to be there. I had 4 other schools coming on busses to our school for the regional Battle of the Books, I was hosting the event, there were no other backups that could run the event and emcee, so I gave my oldest tylenol, sent her to school.....and then got the call 5 hours later that she had a fever. By then, Battle of the Books was done, and I could go tell my boss my daughter's school had called and I had to leave. He wasn't thrilled, with it being the 3rd day in a row, but what else could I do?
It's a constant struggle in my life. I basically continue working because I'm just banking on making my salary higher and adding years to my pension, so I can retire at a decent age. I mean, I could afford to SAH completely, but I figure these years are short in the grand scheme of things, and it won't ever be easy to be a full time working parent. So I just muddle through. Also, I really like what I do, in spite of the constant juggle between parenting and work.
My husband has it just as bad. Since my job is super inflexible, he actually takes more days than I do staying home with the kids. But his job isn't very flexible either...he can work from home 1-2 times a month, but every time we have a big illness, we both feel stretched thin between work expectations and home life.
nectarine / 2690 posts
My mom and/or dad if they're not sick. Otherwise, me. I've brought DD to work with me before in a pinch as well. My work is very family friendly, and I've been here for 8 years, so they're really flexible. Last year we had a very "sick" year for us, so it was rough. She came to work with me quite a bit!
apricot / 286 posts
My mom (such a huge blessing) ...in a real pinch, my aunt or best friend who is a SAHM would help me out too.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
It's days like these that make me half wish my mom lived nearby. She is retired and she'd be our back up... but alas she is many states away.
Luckily FIL just retired last year and he has actually been filling in for us in a pinch.. which ironically seems to always happen!!!
I am out of days so I can't take any (see prior post regarding funeral etc)... unless I take unpaid BUT my review is next week so I really really don't want to do that now, such bad timing... it'd be like drawing attention to it and I know my boss would completely put it on my review that I mismanaged my time off... anywhoo... I just need to make it through this month and then this happened.
Thank goodness FIL could cover for me!!!
Our normal plan of action in this situation (aka last minute/slight emergency) is to ask MIL, SIL or FIL, they all live about 45 mins away. So far it has worked out that one of them has always been able and willing to step in to help. And if it's an extended "emergency", ie: in home provider had to have surgery and was closed for 2 weeks unexpectedly, we would have my mom fly up and cover and stay with us....
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Ajsmommy: ugh we have no one. Luckily I have an extremely flexible job that never has any meetings so I can work from home when I need to. It helps that my direct boss has kids that are just a couple years older than mine so she understands.
persimmon / 1270 posts
It sounds crazy but I would reach out to Facebook and hope someone (a friend) is free or someone has a recommendation for a caregiver. I usually send a bunch of texts to people who have watched kids I know. I have left my kids with other people's nanny's, nieces, friends of friends. I work close to home so it feels ok.
pomelo / 5220 posts
It used to be that we would beg one of our babysitters because they are nurses and would randomly be off sometimes. Now we live in the suburbs so I probably would just have to suck it up and miss work.
kiwi / 549 posts
Ugh this just happened but DH and I were both in town so we both “worked from home.” If I was solo, I’d text the one sitter we have other than our nanny (who in this scenario isn’t available) but otherwise would stay home. If it was a really important day/meeting, I’d ask a friend who works part time if she could help. Or urban sitter? Ugh bottom line I probably need to figure this out in case it happens! We have no family around.
pear / 1930 posts
More than likely me. Sometimes OH's parents will watch DD but DS is too young for them.
Luckily, I have a very understanding boss. I take a vacation day but keep up on e-mails the best I can.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
A very part time nanny we have; if not her, then my sister, my mom (although, depends on the baby's sickness), my mother in law, then a college babysitter, or I would plead with my childhood friends who are stay at home moms but who have never watched my kids. All that being said, I would stay home myself before reaching out beyond paid child care. Ugh. Child care. The bane of my current existence.
honeydew / 7463 posts
Maybe my MIL but she lives 1.5 hours away so usually needs a day or two notice. If it was an absolute emergency I could call her that AM and she’d find a way to get here, but it wouldn’t be by 7am that’s for sure.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
I would WFH and start my day around 10am which is the earliest my parents are usually available to babysit.
eggplant / 11861 posts
No one....
Me and DH switch off taking days off when need be
It can really suck with a 4 yr old and 2 yr old
persimmon / 1130 posts
When it’s an illness, it’s just DH or me. My parents live about a half hour away, but don’t cover when kids are sick. This past winter was SO hard. I had to take 9 days off between October and May, and my DH was off just as much. Our kids were super sick and they usually aren’t.
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