Lo was born at 25 weeks and was in NICU for 5 months. I've been pumping that whole time and have had no supply issues which is really lucky for a preemie mom. Lo started getting breastmilk very slowly so I have a TON of frozen milk...gallons.

3 weeks ago we switched to formula because lo wasn't eating enough. The formula really seems to help since be has reflux (we use Enfamil AR). I was okay with formula because I always thought I'd go back to breastmilk.

Two days ago I mixed 1/3 breastmilk with formula. Lo went from 1 poop a day to 5! And seemed really uncomfortable and ate less :(.

I really want him to get some fresh milk to keep him from getting sick as much as possible, but I don't know if its gonna work. I could also try thickening my milk with rice cereal, but am afraid to experiment when we are on something that is working.

Also, I'm going back to work in 6 weeks.

I'm currently pumping 4x a day, but it's really frustrating spending all of that time,l not knowing if it will ever be eaten.

I could 1) quit altogether and use frozen milk if I get to a point where he can eat it.

2) drop to 1 pump a day so I have a little milk for lo (I kind of like this option but don't know how to do it...what supply will look like).

3) keep doing what I'm doing.

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