This evening I had a meeting at a restaurant in a very busy neighborhood. There was no parking on the street near the restaurant so I had to park four blocks away, at the top of a hill, in a pricy pay lot.
This normally wouldn't be a big deal was POURING down rain and I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I waited in my car for about 10 minutes hoping the rain would slow down so I could go to the pay station, pay, waddle back to my car to put the receipt on the dash, and then waddle down the hill to the restaurant. I was feeling stressed and grumpy. I didn't want to be late and the rain wasn't slowing down so I finally decided to go for it!
I made it to the pay station, when I heard someone yelling behind me. It was the parking lot manager. She told me not to worry about paying and to get somewhere safe and dry. I was so surprised and thankful! Not only was my parking free, but I also was spared an extra five minutes in the rain. By the time I made it down the hill to the restaurant I was soaked, but I no longer felt stressed. It was such a simple act of kindness, but it changed my whole attitude for the evening. I hope I can find a way to pay it forward!
Have you been the recipient of a random act of kindness lately?