I don't even know where to start so I am sorry if this is long/all over the place, I just need advice. (LO is 4 months old/almost 20 weeks)
For the past week or so my LO's sleep has been pretty bad, 4-5 wakeups vs. his normal 2. He used to not take a paci, but now he will so I am not feeding him at each wakeup. LO is not swaddled anymore and can put himself to sleep most of the time. He tends to take pretty good naps at daycare so I don't think he is overtired from that.
Example from last night:
4:30pm: pretty fussy after daycare
5pm: wouldn't go down for a nap even though he was tired
6pm: started bedtime routine since things were not improving
7pm: in crib, sucking on his paci and stiring quite a bit
8pm-10pm: stiring/restless but eyes closed
10:30 pm: crying, fed and put back down
11:30 pm: crying, put in paci
2:30am: crying, fed and put back down
3:00am: crying, put in paci
5:30am:crying, fed and put back down
6:00am: up for the day to get ready for daycare
He has also developed a horrible red bumpy rash on his face that feels very rough, he's had it for almost two weeks. I put coconut oil and aquaphor on it every night with no improvement. I mentioned it at his 4 month appt and his doc said it looked like just a "normal" rash...very helpful, UGH.
One more thing, I swaddle weaned at the end of last month and he seemed to be doing great with it (loves to suck on his hands-possibly teething) but lately he has been rubbing the crap out of his face/eyes and scratching himself even though I keep his nails as short as I can. Should I put him back in a swaddle?
This FTM is exhausted and not sure what to do....Please help!