Our 2.5 year old has generally been a good sleeper. Lately she is waking 1 or 2 times a night. Screaming and not settling down. If I go to her she falls asleep on me in the recliner in her room and loses it when I put her back in the crib. If her dad goes to her he can usually settle her down and get her back in. He usually takes her overnight. And when I do have to get up for her, I now wind up bringing her into bed where she immediately falls asleep and sleeps well - usually an hour later than if she were in her crib.
She goes to bed between 7:30-8:30. If she sleeps all night she is usually up around 6. She takes a two to three hour nap each afternoon. She sleeps in a crib, at grandmas house she sleeps in a pack and play. (She goes there once a week, she's at daycare a few days a week and naps on a mar for two hours.)
She slept through the night consistently around ten months - we did a lot of giving her 5-10 min to cry and she'd settle herself down. She's had phases were she regressed since then, but they seemed to be tied to illness or something short term so even if she'd have wakeups for a couple of weeks, she'd get back to sleeping through the night.
What do we do? I want her to get rest, us to get rest. Not opposed to having her sleep with us but since we never bedshared before I think we might all be more comfortable/rested if she stays in her crib.
Also - we are moving and we will set up her bed as a crib in the new house to be consistent, but will likely turn it into a bed in the first month or two. She seems interested in having a bed. Also we will be working on potty training then too - her classroom at daycare will support that starting in a couple of weeks, and our new house is set up better (bathrooms on both floors) to get us all more consistent: right now she goes on the toilet in the mornings and nights but not consistently throughout the day.
As I write all this it's clear there's a lot going on (or about to) that could disrupt her sleep! But I wanted to put r all out there.
Did you have to re sleep train your toddler? How did you do it? Part of me wonders if it's us with the bad habits, not her. Thanks for any advice.