Bees. I'm desperate. I'm slowly falling apart in every way, no sleep is affecting my work, my mental health, you name it.
We sleep trained my almost 2 yo at 18 months with the guidance of of a sleep doula. Prior to that he was up every 2 hours even though I had stopped nursing. Within a week, he was good and sleeping all night.
Fast forward to 3 weeks ago: molars starting to come in, croup, high fevers meant I was co-sleeping for my sanity and being able to function for work. Now he won't go to sleep unless he's touching me. He screams. For hours. I tried CIO again (which is what we did the first time) and he literally screamed for well over an hour. I tried ferber. I tried the sleep lady shuffle. I put him on my futon with me? He falls asleep, albiet still waking multiple times a day and me not sleeping well at all.
I converted his crib a couple of days ago to a toddler bed. He never liked the idea of the crib, but he dealt with it. I have no idea what to do now. Instead of standing in his crib screaming, he's standing at his gated door screaming, throwing tantrums, not staying in the bed (which I expect in the beginning).
But I need advice.
I need tips.
I'm a wreck. I wake up and cry. I can't function. I'm worried that I'm going to get in huge crap at work for things not meeting deadlines because I'm a friggin zombie.
I want my baby to sleep.