LO is 4 months old today (where has the time gone?!) and we have been battling awful sleep patterns for most of his life so far. He tends to go down easily, sleeps for a few hours, and then wakes every hour after that. We are ready to create a better sleep situation for him and are prepared to try just about anything.

He is still in our room and we plan to transition him into his crib tomorrow night. Also, we would like to try some version of CIO but are not sure how to best do this when he will go down easily at first. Do we set a time limit for the middle of the night wake ups and then let him cry? For how long? I would love to know if anyone successfully followed a plan that worked well and if so, what sort of schedule you used.

I assume he will need at least one middle of the night nursing session but would like to come up with some kind of rough game plan to help us get through this!