For those of you that are worried about the very end of pregnancy, labor, recovery, and fun with the baby here is my very quick recap (with photos!)

Pregnancy: Pain, swelling, and impatience.

Labor: A big blur. Pain but not the kind of pain you might otherwise recognize. It's like running a marathon when you trained for a 5k. And there is a hungry lion running behind you so can't stop.

ETA: photo taken at 3am. I delivered at 7: 41 PM.

First week post partum: Running on adrenaline and peeing more than when you were pregnant (got to pee away all that extra water weight)!

Later: Hello world! We are a family and it's AWESOME even when I don't get enough sleep and have trouble breastfeeding. And I mean that in all seriousness. Take lots of photos!

Totally worth it.

Ok your turn (photos or no): How would you briefly characterize each stage? (And if your LO is older, please feel free to add more!)

Labor and/or Delivery
Post Partum/Recovery