Hellobee Boards


Roll call! Who is considering, planning, TTC or pregnant with #2 right now?

  1. dolphin

    pomegranate / 3768 posts

    How old is your LO? 18 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? TTC starting this month!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? 2.5 years

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? We wanted to wait until we buy a bigger house before TTC. Now that we found one and are moving next week, it's GO TIME!

    - How do you feel? Excited

    - Anything else you want to share? Good luck to all!

  2. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    - How old is your LO? 8 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Pregnant!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? LO #1 will be 15 months when LO #2 is born.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? We just knew we wanted our kids close in age, so we were NTNP and are so happy with the 15 month gap.

    - How do you feel? First trimester symptoms, you know...

    - Anything else you want to share? If LO #2 is a boy we may stop (LO #1 is a girl). Although we both said we want 3 kids so we aren't really sure if #2 is the endpoint yet.

  3. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    - How old is your LO? 8 months this Sunday.

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Planning to start end of Sept/beginning of October

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? Ideally 20-24 months.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? We want our kids to be close in age and DD is such an easy baby that we have no worries (so naive) about adding another under 2. DH has been ready to try for months but I am trying to plan around my work schedule (busy Jan-first week of June).

    - How do you feel? I'm excited! AF returned at 9 week PP (despite EBF) and I got a positive ovulation test last months, so I am hoping that everything will be good to go when we try in Sept/Oct.

  4. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @grizz: This is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!!

  5. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    Aw i like this thread! And can't believe i'm posting here.

    - How old is your LO?
    Will be 14 months next week.

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?
    We'd originally planned to start TTCing now, but have pushed back a lot because 1) hell baby until she was 6 months old and 2) we are super super broke right now and can't afford to think about it. We're TENTATIVELY *considering* maybe thinking about starting to try in December. I turn 37 that month so really don't want to delay any longer than that.

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
    Ideally over 2 years. I have a ton of friends with 22 month gap and it's been really hard on them. An extra 6 months would be perfect.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
    We're finally getting to a good, happy place with our family and I don't want to screw that up.... very very nervous about the idea of another baby.

    I will add I had an evap line on a HPT last night and we both COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT. Like "I'm 16 and single" freak out. Now is NOT a good time to TTC for sure

  6. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @septca: @Cherrybee: @oliviaoblivia: My husband is thrilled, and it feels really, really good for us to be at peace about it

  7. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    - How old is your LO? 22 months old

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Starting to TTC next month

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? 3 years or so. I wanted less of an age gap, but life got busy, still is

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? I turn 35 next year, wanting a closer age gap, being done with the newborn/toddler phase sooner than later

    - How do you feel? I'm excited and nervous. I'm ready to start trying for another one after almost 2 years pp.

  8. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    Oh Boy! What a loaded question! all of you 2 under 2 moms are brave

    - How old is your LO? - 9 months (still no AF)

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? - Birth Control is still my best friend

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? 3-4 years ideally we would start TTC August 2016 but i could see me or hubs catching babies rabies before that

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? - As of right now, Miss Fi is not sleeping well and I've barely got my shit together to manage her. In a perfect world, if we were to have #2 we would be moving into a larger home (or just one thats better laid out) and possibly closer to my family. we'd also be at a place where financially i would be able to stay home with our children.

    - How do you feel? Lately i've been especially nostalgic about being pregnant. Like, "last year this time, we were just finding out that we were having a girl" and "last year this time i was buying maternity bathing suits." I think i've completely forgotten how uncomfortable pregnancy was and how painful labor was.... so thats a good sign, right?

    - Anything else you want to share? While we had some big things on our to do list before TTC last time i feel like this time there's even bigger ones. I'm also really enjoying being Fiona's mom. I'm not ready to miss out on things while being tied up with a newborn just yet.

  9. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    We are TTC#2 now. About to prep lunch so will comment more later.

  10. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Chillybear: Can I ask you a personal question? Don't answer if you don't want to! How did you cope being off your meds for so long? Did you have to go straight back on them after Fiona was born? My DH has been off his MTX for three and a bit months now and although his arthritis is only mild at the moment, his skin is terrible! Worse than ever before. I'd love to relax and NTNP for a bit but I fear we won't have that luxury....

  11. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @JoJoGirl: I would be flipping out as well

    - How old is your LO? 15 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? I always thought that I would be 100% ready at this point for TTC. But we are throwing out the idea of just one, mostly due to finance (day care and future), but I still see us with another. We are tabling the issue till Oct. Earliest we would TTC is December.

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? Would want 2.5-3yr difference

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? Money, my age 36 min before I give birth, long term family dynamics, do I want to solo parent 2,

    - How do you feel? Confused. I don't know what the answer is. And scared shitless to solo parent 2

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @grizz: eek! excited for this new development!!

  13. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @JoJoGirl: WOAH!!! I can't believe you're posting here!! I'm, like, SO excited!! If there's any justice in the world, next time you will get a really easy baby!! Also.... how are you so sure it was an evap??

  14. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @pinkb: yay! congrats mama!!
    @grizz: wow! awesome! that makes me so happy that you guys are on the same page. i really hope you find healing through this as well! xo

    - How old is your LO?
    17 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?
    planning on starting in early 2015. DH would want now, but with finances and me just wanting a break, it's tabled.

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
    i would have liked DD and #2 about 2.5 years apart, but with my schedule and our timing for TTC, they will hopefully be around 3 years apart

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
    finances and my work schedule.

    - How do you feel?
    i sometimes get baby/pregnancy fever, but i'm content NOT being pregnant because i know it would stress me out! ha.

    - Anything else you want to share?
    excited for the ladies doing round #2. 7 months feels like forever away to TTC, but i know it will be here soon!

  15. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    How old is your LO?
    13 months.

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?

    What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
    17 months, just shy of a year and a half.

    What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
    I've always wanted my kids to be close in age. It also works better for us financially, since we can only afford for me to be a SAHM for a few years, and honestly I just kind of loathe being pregnant and want to be DONE with that stage of life!

    How do you feel?
    Nervous! Excited! There's a lot less time to prepare this time around since I already have my son to care for, and I've been hitting the 'HOLY CRAP THIS IS HAPPENING SO SOON AND I'M NOT READY' stage.

  16. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    How old is your LO?
    12.5 months

    What stage are you at in the process?
    We are doing a frozen embryo transfer in three weeks!

    What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
    If all goes well, they will be just about 22 months apart.

    What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
    Our ages - 36 (me) and 39 (DH). And the fact that we are moving quite far away from where our embryos are currently so we wanted to get pregnant before we move.

    How do you feel?
    Very hopeful and excited!!

    to everyone no matter what stage of the game you are!

  17. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    - How old is your LO? 12.5 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Pregnant! I'm 9 weeks along.

    - What age gap are you going to get? A year and a half.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? Age. I'm not getting any younger and we wanted at least two. Ideally, I would've liked a larger age gap.

    - How do you feel? I feel guarded. Like I cannot have gotten this lucky. They found a couple things on my ultrasound, so I'm going back for another one on the 1st.

    - Anything else you want to share? My work is such that I cannot really take time off. I have a great schedule in that I work until I'm done, and then I'm done. But I'm on call 50% of the time, so figuring out the first 4 months are going to be tricky. DH has already resigned himself to playing nanny, but I don't want him to have regrets about stalling his career. I haven't figured this out yet.

  18. LulaBee

    pear / 1837 posts

    - How old is your LO? 23 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? TTC

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? I'm hoping for less than 3 years... was really wanting closer but that just didn't happen.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? we want to put our house on the market and hopefully move by the time #2 arrives. Also, our ages- I'm 34 and don't want to get pregnant after 35, DH is 44 (and already has a 22 year old son in addition to our 23 month old).

    - How do you feel? frustrated, trying to remain hopeful

    - Anything else you want to share? I had a miscarriage back in March, so I'm nervous about getting pregnant again and having it stick. That's also where my frustration comes from... I keep thinking about where I would be in that pregnancy.

  19. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @Cherrybee: I went off the Methotrexate in april '12 went off the humira in Sept '12 started TTC in Nov '12 got pregnant in Jan '13 had Fiona in Sept '13. since then I have yet to go back on my meds because i really wanted to breastfeed. at this point i have minor skin breakouts and i typically treat them topically with Clobetesol (foam for scalp, ointment for skin). I feel like i've been really lucky and usually summer is easier than winter for me. I go back to my Dr at the end of July for a check in but so far so good

  20. RsMom

    cherry / 233 posts

    - How old is your LO?
    He turned two in May.

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
    Ideally around 3 yrs but it took a few years to get my son so the age gap may be bigger.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
    We're hoping that DS will be potty trained by the time #2 comes along. Also, with a one year maternity leave that we will only have to pay for two in daycare for no more than a year.

    - How do you feel?
    I thought I would be more relaxed ttc#2 but all the anxieties of ttc#1 seem to be sneaking in.

  21. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @Cherrybee: hi!

    How old is your LO? He'll be 1 in a week! Wow, time flies!!

    What stage are you at in the process? We will be TTC in August my goal was to lose all my baby weight before I had another. I just made my goal so I'm really happy about that. Also, I feel like I'd rather have another baby sooner than later because I just turned 34!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? They will be approx 2 years apart depending on if I get pregnant right way.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? None

    - How do you feel?im excited and nervous about it. I worry about having bad morning sickness and I don't want my care or love for my son to suffer. I also can't wait to give him a sidekick:)

  22. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    Can I join??

    - How old is your LO? 12.5 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Considering it! So excited!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? I'd like 2-2.5 years

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? I'm just going back to work, so I'd like to start trying soon! I realllly do not want a winter baby (I think I'd get super depressed with the dark days, bad weather etc) so I'd ideally like a spring/summer baby. My son was born in June and it was perfect!

    - How do you feel? Super excited! But also sort of nervous that this will be it for us, DH only wants two and I'm not really ready for that part of my life to be done. I LOVED being pregnant!

    - Anything else you want to share? I'm 12m PP and AF hasn't come back yet.

  23. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @grizz: outing myself as a crazy stalker to say...


  24. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @Espion: Hope your ultrasound goes really well! I can't believe you're 9 weeks already!

    @JoJoGirl: I felt that way - wanting another and then FREAKING OUT when my period was a little late- around then. Probably by the time you get to ttc you'll get to enjoy more excitement, and hopefully a super easy baby next time.

    - How old is your LO? 21 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? We are TTC!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? If I get pregnant this cycle it'd be 2.5 years and I would really be happy with that, both in terms of spacing and the time of year lo2 would be born.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? How long I will be out of the work force, dh saving up his comp time bank for a longer paternity leave, lo having a sibling, whether we thought we could handle it (I have gained a lot more confidence since lo turned 1, which was when we originally were going to ttc)

    - How do you feel? Hopeful for this cycle, it's the first one I/we haven't been sick/on antibiotics. Also, if I'm being honest, a little impatient, even though I know I don't deserve to feel that way...just being honest!

    - Anything else you want to share? Good luck to all of you! I'm really excited to see our hb babies become big brothers and sisters!

  25. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    - How old is your LO? She is almost 22 months!

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Planning to TTC starting august!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? Somewhere between 2.5-3ish years

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? Daycare costs, career advancement, maternity leave, work schedule, finances, sibling love! I've over analyzed it alllllllll.

    - How do you feel? Excited!!!

    - Anything else you want to share? Planning on applying for specialty residencies next spring so I'm excited to see how everything will work out.

  26. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    - How old is your LO? He'll be 21 months tomorrow

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? TTC cycle #9

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? We wanted a 2 year age gap, but well, my body had other plans. I'll take whatever I can get now!

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? I've had 3 miscarriages in 4 pregnancies. We were TTC for a year and a half before I got pregnant with LO and now it's taking 9+ cycles with #2.

    - How do you feel? Seriously defeated and betrayed by my body. My current OBGYN won't send either of us for any testing since I had a "healthy" pregnancy in LO in between my miscarriages. I may be searching for a new doc soon.

  27. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    - How old is your LO? 22 months on July 7th

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? TTC! Cycle #7 and I am dying to be pregnant! I just weaned my son and I am hoping it does the trick. We shall see.

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? I really wanted 2 years but that ship has sailed. Now I am really hoping we don't surpass a 3 year age gap. I would really like them to be somewhat close.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? My fertility and age are a huge consideration. i just turned 37 and I feel time dwindling.

    - How do you feel? After being very depressed the last 2 months I feel strangely optimistic again. Not in the same way I did when we first started and it all felt so inevitable but I have a lot more faith that we will get there somehow.

    - Anything else you want to share? My son is the love of my life and I feel so grateful to have him. He was easy to conceive and that too was a blessing. The thought of secondary infertility or not giving him a sibling would be heartbreaking for me but looking at him and enjoying him does help. Alot will change once i am pregnant and we have another so I am trying to enjoy this time too and not wish it away in my eagerness.

  28. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @googly-eyes: Thank you! It's a little scary. History of one m/c and it's once burned, twice shy. I hope the scan goes okay. I've been somewhat obsessively image googling ultrasounds to compare.

  29. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    - How old is your LO? 7 months
    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Planning...we want to start in August when he is 9 months
    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? We want a minimum of 18 months, max of 2 years apart

    - How do you feel? Nervous? Excited? Aack! I can't believe we are actually thinking about this.
    - Anything else you want to share? AF still hasn't come back, and like @lilteacherbee: I never thought I'd be anxious to have it back!

  30. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    How old is your LO? almost 21 months

    What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Pregnant! - 17 weeks.

    What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? Our LOs will be 26 months apart.

    What other factors are you considering/did you consider? We wanted to be homeowners before baby comes. We will close on our house tomorrow! We (I) also wanted at least a 2 year age gap.

    -How do you feel? I'm really nervous We have always known that we wanted more than one child, but M was SUCH a difficult newborn that I'm terrified to do it again - especially with a toddler too! I feel like I'm finally in my stride as a mom and now I'm going to rock the boat. We have our anatomy scan next week and I hope that finding out the sex will help bring the excitement out a little more.

    Anything else you want to share? Best of to everyone with all of your next steps!

  31. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts


    - How old is your LO? He is 14 months!

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? About 4 weeks pregnant!

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? We will have a 22 month age gap which sounds great to me. And I match @Adira!

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
    We wanted kids close in age, and DH's age was also a big factor (he fears being the old dad). I'm 32 but I don't have feelings about my age yet.

    - How do you feel?
    A little tired, and a little nervous!

    - Anything else you want to share? Nope

  32. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Chillybear: I'm happy to hear that you're doing so well and haven't had to go back on those evil meds yet; The meds make DH so ill.... It's silly, really, because his skin wasn't the main problem before but post-MTX it's horriffic. His scalp is just I'm hoping he can last out until we have #2 in the oven.

  33. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @grizz: OMG, just saw you on this thread!!! I'm so excited for you and I REALLY hope you have a better sleeper this time around!!


  34. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: @grizz: I am frankly so thrilled to see both of you on a thread like this. I remember hoping so much that you both got through the tough early days, and I LOVEEE that you did!

    So anyhoo, I'm in the 'planning' phase, but in reality we probably won't TTC until at least next fall

  35. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    - How old is your LO? 8.5 months

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Considering it. My husband is okay with having some time, but I'd really prefer to get pregnant and be done having babies by my 30th birthday (which is next year).

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? I hope for close to two years between them.

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? Finances, whether or not I will be able to stay home with two (since we really couldn't afford daycare for two in our current town).

    - How do you feel? Excited! I'm working on convincing my husband.

    - Anything else you want to share? Nope!

  36. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: ugh. I'm sorry to hear your Dr. isn't taking your concerns seriously.

  37. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @hilsy85: @birdofafeather: @LovelyPlum: @Adira: @Bookish:

  38. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @dagret: I feel like a broken record every time I go. "Well, even if we did test and found that you're prone to miscarrying, there isn't much we can do about that..." Say what?!?

  39. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    Great thread! Congrats to all the expecting Mama's!

    - How old is your LO? Will be 17 months on the 5th of July

    - What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? We would like to have been TTC in May but I still don't have my cycle back.

    - What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? 2 would have been ideal but not what this body is saying! Would like any time now, so 2.5 years +! Whatever fate has in store for us I guess

    - What other factors are you considering/did you consider? We would have liked 2 years as my husband will be 39 right away...but that time has passed so anytime now! As each month passes the chances of having 3 dwindles.

    - How do you feel? Tired, my son still doesn't STTN. Starting to get a little antsy for my cycle to return and start TTC.

    - Anything else you want to share? I hope that I am able to get pregnant again. If I am blessed with another baby I hope (insert absolutely everything crossed!) that I am chosen by the sleep gods and have a good sleeper. Otherwise I will be a zombie for life!

  40. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: so ridiculous. Is it the reg. ob or an RE?

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