cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Super late too!!
- How old is your LO?
He is 5 months.
- What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?
Planning. We will be TTC around his first birthday in February!
- What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
2 years approximately if we get pregnant quickly.
- What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
My coworker is retiring in 2 years and I will be taking her job which is a HUGE promotion. Also when that happens we are selling our house and buying my dads much larger home. I don't want to take maternity leave at my new job and I don't want to move while pregnant or with a newborn! That's why we are TTC #2 so quickly. If not now, then much later than we were hoping for.
- How do you feel?
Nervous. I think I could wait a little longer if our timeline wasn't so specific. I'll be sad to end my one on one days with my little boy. Also excited!
- Anything else you want to share?
I know I'm crazy for wanting 2 under 2! You don't have to say it! Lol
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@grizz: Glad it makes you just makes me anxious! I'm thinking that right there could be my answer.....
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@heartonastring: that is my issue. I want another but the thought of having another, especially solo, gives me anxiety.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Danizaur: I don't think you're crazy!! I wanted 2 under 2 as well!!
papaya / 10473 posts
@heartonastring: @Smurfette: Hell, I'm anxious too. I just tabled the conversation til December. I think the fact that I'm dragging my feet so much says a lot
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
I'm late BUT we just decided for sure within the last week!
LO is 10 months.
We are just kind of NTNP right now. Just waiting to see what will happen for a few months. So I guess we are both TTC and planning
If we got pregnant within the next month it would be an almost 2 year age gap....I never really had a preference for spacing.
DH has been looking around for better paying job but he make enough now that we can have another. If he were to switch jobs & we weren't pregnant I would want to stop for a few months just so we get established and make sure it's for sure deal.
I feel so excited and nervous. I think you feel all the same terror with number 2 as you do your first.
Maybe we'll get twins!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@grizz: I thought you decided to start TTC in Sept?
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@grizz: @Smurfette: Here is where I am right now: we were at a wedding on the weekend and DH's best friend was there with his squishy three week old. And I thought, I could do that again. In some respects (breastfeeding, the general baby learning curve) it wouldn't be as hard the second time around. In some respects it would be harder (having a toddler and a newborn home with me for a year).
I think I really want a do-over on birth and the newborn days. And I love the sibling thing, I do.
But I really don't feel prepared to make the sacrifices - financial, material, mental health wise - that I'd need to make for a second. And I'm not sure it would be great for my marriage.
So, there you go, I just talked myself out of it again. Give me an hour....I'll change my mind again
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@heartonastring: i just had a heart attack because i thought this thread was for people pregnant with number 2 and saw you pop up. carry on.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@Silva: Bwahahahahahahaha! You would be among the first to know, trust me. You know, after I was discharged from hospital for the heart attack that would surely ensue.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@grizz: @Smurfette: @heartonastring: our kids are still SO young. I know a lot of people start TTC now, but it seems bananas to me. just because you aren't ready now doesn't mean you'll never be. We always planned a larger-than "normal" (I think? I don't even know what average is) age gap. There is really no part of me that wants another baby, and we often talk about our family feeling complete now. But I do really think we will reach a place, a year from now, when we start getting baby fever again. And then, 6 months from then, we will start TTC! But, if I feel then the way I do now, we probably won't.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@heartonastring: Hah! "I think I really want a do-over on birth and the newborn days" <-- this is a lot of how I'm feeling right now. My PPD = hell for the newborn days, and I'm lookin forward to getting to enjoy it more.
@Smurfette: @grizz: Nothin wrong with goin back and forth on the decision. That's what I like HB for... you can come here and just ramble about your decision making process.
papaya / 10473 posts
@Smurfette: I felt ok about it for a few days, but when we started discussing details (and when I talked to @heartonastring: about it) I realized that I would be totally fine with 1. And that September is SOON. I'm not risking anything again if we have one... No chance of birth recovery, lost sleep, PPD, etc again if we quit while we're ahead. I just don't know. I wish someone would decide for me.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@heartonastring: @Silva: @grizz: Hugs! It is such a hard decision and one I never imagined myself making. But @Silva: is right, our kids are so young, we have time, so why not take it. I am 35 so I don't have 5 years to wait, but I certainly have a year to think about it. I wouldn't want them closer then 2.5 years anyway.
@Bookish: so true!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@rahlyrah: lol.. you made me laugh/snort out loud... hahha thanks!
I must join this thread!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Super, super, super late !
- How old is your LO?
He is 9.5 months.
- What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?
Planning. We start TTC next cycle!! Around the end of this month!
- What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
18 months + depending on how quickly I get pregnant. It took 6 months to get pregnant the first time so who knows.
- What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
We will be moving in a year, hopefully into our own home back closer to family so if I don't get pregnant soon, we might take a little break over what would make my DD the moving time. I have no issues moving with a newborn & toddler.. its all done by DH's work AND i would really like LO#2 to be born in the same hospital as LO#1 as I had a fantastic birth experience.
- How do you feel?
Nervous, excited, terrified, insane, filled with love, joy & anticipation.
- Anything else you want to share?
Is anyone else scared of never sleeping again? haha or the love not being equal between bubs.... i know that's silly, but I can't imagine loving someone as much as I love LO#1.
@Adira: @Danizaur: WOOhooo 2 under 2 - lets do it! ( pun not intended!)
bananas / 9227 posts
- How old is your LO? She just turned 2.
- What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Just considering it! We planned on deciding by the of Sept., but DH said if I'm sure I want another we should start now O_O! But I know we're not ready. We've started taking vitamins just in case.
- What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? 3 yrs+ if we try for another, 1-2yrs if we adopt.
- What other factors are you considering/did you consider? I'm old! I'm not sure if I can go through the newborn phase again. I'm not even sure I'm fertile anymore. But I do know that having another child would be worth it in the end and it would be amazing to see them grow up together. I know a sibling would be good for DD, but at the same time, I wouldn't be disappointed if she's our only.
- How do you feel? I'm still trying to figure things out. But I'm mentally preparing.
- Anything else you want to share? I'm starting school again this Aug., which would make this -not- an ideal time to TTC, because of this, it probably ups my chances of getting pregnant!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Danizaur: @Adira: We wanted 2 under 2 as well! Maybe we will go for 3 under 3 next. hahaha. k maybe not.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Adira: So not my life, or anything even close to my life, but one of my favorite bloggers has 4 under 4. Every time I get stressed taking care of my one kid, I think of her. She must be the most patient, calm person ever. Ever.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@heartonastring: I am so happy you posted here!! Ahhhhhh!!!! K would make an adorable and awesome big sister :). Just sayin'.
ETA: didn't read past your initial post haha. I hope you can come to a decision you're happy with. K is still young so you have time to decide!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Silva: OMG!!!! Just thinking of that makes my head spin, haha! But I think anything more than two would be rough, so kudos to her!!
persimmon / 1129 posts
Super late also but I love the idea of this thread!
- How old is your LO?
A few days shy of 10 months
- What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant?
Planning and probably TTC in the next month or two. We had said all along we wanted an age gap of 18 months to 2.5 years and if I got pregnant this month we'd be there.
- What age gap do you want/ are you going to get?
18 months to 2.5 years. So I may be joining the 2 under 2 club!
- What other factors are you considering/did you consider?
I like the idea of having kids close in age so they're at the same general stage at the same time. I love the idea of just powering through baby and toddler stage and then being done with it. And our daughter is at the very start of the age cut-off for school, so if we have our second any time before her second birthday, they would only be one grade apart in school.
- How do you feel?
Such baby fever. But I'm also nervous about starting the process all over again.
- Anything else you want to share?
Last time, it was a struggle for me to keep my pregnancy a secret at work as long as I wanted because I popped early. I feel like next time I'm going to pop as soon as I see that second pink line!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@MrsB2012: @Adira: How about 5 under 5? I think Michelle duggar had that at one point. CAN YOU IMAGINE??
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Danizaur: @MrsB2012: We already know the Duggars are kid-crazy with how many kids they had overall!!!
kiwi / 597 posts
- How old is your LO? 11 months
- What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? Planning. We're thinking about TTC in the fall, but we don't have a date set in stone. If we feel ready at that time then we'll go for it. If not, we'll wait.
- What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? 2-2.5 years. Something about having 2 under 2 scares me so for some reason waiting a couple extra months makes me feel a little more at ease.
- What other factors are you considering/did you consider? I want my kids close in age. DH originally wanted to shoot for a 3+ year age gap, but decided that the thought of starting over in 3 years doesn't appeal to him. He would rather get the baby stage over with so we agreed ~2 year difference would work best for us.
- How do you feel? I go from excited to holy crap this is happening fast! I'm nervous about juggling two kids and how much harder things will probably get, but at the same time can't wait to watch our family grow.
- Anything else you want to share?
@Mrs squirreld: I'm actually not scared of never sleeping again. The way I see it is the sooner I have number two the closer I get to good sleep again once the second child starts STTN. It will be rough for a while, but I would rather get the sleepless nights over with now.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Danizaur: My Mom had 3 under 3 when my brother was born. NUTS!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Smurfette: @Adira: @Danizaur: My MIL had 7 under 7!!! She had twins in there too. I can NEVER complain about being tired from sleepless nights when she's around
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travelgirl1: @Smurfette: @Danizaur: OMG... I can't even imagine!!!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Adira: Nor can I!! And THAT is what DH thought was the norm. Hell no, boyo! We had a good talk about how many kids we wanted, lol.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travelgirl1: I am tired just reading that. Not to mention the thought of birthing 7 babies, ouch!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Smurfette: All without pain relief and she held down a full time job and never lost her temper with the kids (so I'm told). I don't think I will ever, ever live up to that, ha ha.
pomelo / 5041 posts
- How old is your LO? 3 days short of 10 months
- What stage are you at in the process? Considering it? Planning? TTC? Pregnant? I would say NTNP - almost TTC; We would plan to officially start trying around September.
- What age gap do you want/ are you going to get? Ideally I want them about 2 years apart
- What other factors are you considering/did you consider? I'm pretty stressed out about the financial impact of a second. We're already tight and #2 would mean $8000/yr in daycare and a new car because there's no way two carseats are fitting in the back of my focus. I guess I just keep figuring that we'll figure out a way to make it work. Maybe that's a bad idea, lol.
- How do you feel? I'm very eager for a second. I love my lo to death and he's spoiled us with being pretty easy. He has been a rough sleeper though so I keep telling my husband that my biggest fear is never sleeping again.
- Anything else you want to share? Given that it took me 10 cycles and an RE/IUI to get pregnant last time I'm anxious about the process of trying again. I'd love to magically get pregnant (we had a scare last month when my period was 2 days late) without help but don't have much hope that we won't need an IUI once again. All I know is that I'm not going to try for forever again next time. I can't see months and months of negatives again.
So excited to be trying with all of you wonderful ladies!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: Yaaaay!
@skipper2010: I like your way of thinking!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@MrsB2012: @Danizaur: @Adira: @travelgirl1: @Smurfette: Even though I can NOT picture myself doing it I believe my maternal grandmother had 4 under 3 at one point! (A singleton, twins, and another singleton.) And my other grandma had 15 kids..not sure what the exact spacing is. NUTS.
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