I'm so relieved!!!
I'm so relieved!!!
pear / 1510 posts
RBG's concurrence was was so awesomely short and to the point: "Given those realities, it is beyond rational belief that H. B. 2 could genuinely protect the health of women, and certain that the law “would simply make it more difficult for them to obtain abortions.”
Undue burden still means something.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
So relieved to see this. Having been through a termination for medical reasons and being on many blogs and websites relating to these issues, I have become even more horrified of the restrictions placed on women relating to second trimester terminations. I'm pro-choice under any circumstances, but the sad reality is that vast, vast majority of second and third trimester terminations are sought because of severe health problems with the fetus or the mother. Otherwise known as ending a wanted pregnancy. Making women jump through hurdle after hurdle to get the medical care we need puts so much added stress and financial burden on us in an already impossibly heartbreaking situation.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I'm really glad about this. The right to terminate is useless without access.
kiwi / 526 posts
A win for women's health!! Thank you SCOTUS for upholding the law of the land!
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
Huge win for women across Texas (and everywhere). RBG for president!
ETA: I also encourage you all to watch the documentary "Trapped." You can stream it from
pear / 1718 posts
This win could not have come at a better time.
@Adira: The CNN article cites to the Kermit Gosnell case out of Pennsylvania. I am stunned that more people have not heard of this man (who is the most prolific serial killer in American history) or the grotesque conditions and inhuman treatment of patients and babies. And it's a recent case--he was convicted in 2013.
clementine / 806 posts
This is HUGE. I am SO relieved....and then even more relieved since I live in Texas.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Everybody remember Wendy Davis? I'm surprised I'm not seeing a lot of talk/celebration on my news feeds today about her part in this fight.
pomelo / 5298 posts
While I generally view myself as conservative, I'm very much pro-choice. This was a big damn deal to me three years ago as a Texas resident and I'm glad to see this go this way. I drive past a Planned Parenthood location daily on my short commute. I can't begin to put in words the feelings I get when I see the few people protesting on the sidewalk each day with their rosary in hand.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@pwnstar: I hadn't heard of Gosnell. His Wiki page made my stomach turn.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@pwnstar: I happened to be in Philly when an article was in the magazine there with a guy who had a lengthy interview with Gosnell. It's an extremely disturbing read but interesting and gave me a different understanding on abortion politics in the US and what happens when it gets pushed to the fringes of access.
pear / 1718 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @Maysprout: The facts of this case absolutely floored me. I was not expecting half of what I found out. And I was so shocked that this was a "modern" event. It sounds like it is something out of the 50's . . . a "back alley" abortion.
@Maysprout: ". . . what happens when [abortion] gets pushed to the fringes of access." This. Exactly.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
This article about the kick-ass feminist justices made me feel warm and fuzzy inside:
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@MoonMoon: loved reading that! I want to see this case as a movie now lol
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@MoonMoon: I remember this part of oral argument and I just wanted to fist bump RBG:
"Ginsburg begins by asking Keller how many Texas women live more than 100 miles from an abortion clinic. When he tells her that women in El Paso can hop over the border to New Mexico, she stops him short. 'That’s odd,' she muses, 'that you point to the New Mexico facility. New Mexico doesn't have any surgical ASC requirement, and it doesn't have any admitting requirement. So if your argument is right, then New Mexico is not an available way out for Texas because Texas says to protect our women, we need these things.' (This is where I want to call up each of the men who demanded that Ginsburg retire in 2014 and just smile, and smile, and smile.)"
pear / 1718 posts
@lawbee11: "If the case is sent back to Texas on remand, we will play this out again in a few years with nine justices. But it’s hard to imagine President Obama conjuring up, from even the darkest, most devious underground lab, a new justice who would be half as fierce as the four-car train of whoop ass we saw today."
While this comes as no surprise to me, or to any of you, it's about fucking time that America--and the world in general--wakes up and realizes that women are absolute bad asses who are not weak or in any way less than men. This ruling, this oral argument, has been the only thing in weeks that makes me feel like all is not lost, and that we are not all being strapped kicking and screaming into a time machine to be sent back to the social/political stone ages to re-conquer the same issues all over again.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: a movie would be amazing!
@lawbee11: I know RBG has some health issues, so I really wish her well for many more years of being on the bench!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@lawbee11: I totally posted that paragraph as my Facebook status when it first came out. Love it!!
ETA: I sent that meme to my husband and he was like, "...I don't get it. What does 'squad goals' mean? Like the people you want to be friends with?" He is so behind the times hahaha.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @Maysprout: Ugh, I read about Gosnell's wiki page. Ugh! I can't believe what I was reading. I am a Philly native and I heard about his arrest when it happened but didn't read up on the report. Sickening that he did all of that.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@MrsSCB: Bahaha! That's hilarious. Maybe becoming a dad will make him more hip?
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@MrsSCB: @lawbee11: i'm so not hip either…no idea what that means
pomelo / 5257 posts
@lawbee11: Lol, I'm sure being a dad will only make him cooler!
@travellingbee: It's the people you want on your posse, like your aspirational friend group
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@bluestriped bee: yeah, I'd like to know what else trumped the news when Gosnell was going on because something that grotesque for a hot button issue easily could have been cable news fodder for weeks.
How bogus and disgenuine were the propopents for the need of such a bill citing Gosnell! How about just inspecting clinics and following up on complaints.
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