I've seen lots of places say that the AAP recommends no screen time under age 2. I'd like to keep my LO, who is 1 month old, from watching TV and generally follow the recommendation. The hard thing is that he nurses a lot, so I often watch TV once he starts getting sleepy or leave something on in the background while nursing. Should I cut out all TV now so he doesn't get used to it or start watching without me noticing? If not now, then when? And what do you do while nursing - full attention on LO and bonding the whole time (even when he/she is nursing sleepily), or do you distract yourself with something?

I'm sure it's just postpartum hormones and first time mom worries, but I sometimes feel like a bad parent that I need or want a distraction while nursing and that I watch TV- like I'm damaging him or something. Any advice from other parents?