I'm curious about screen time for a young baby. DD is 10 weeks old and just started noticing the TV 2 weeks ago. Now she is enthralled with it and cranes her head to try and watch it. We make a point of not watching tv a lot during the day-I watch about 30 mins of the Today show in the mornings while feeding her on her boppy so she can't see the tv and then it's off for the day. We have it on at night though to watch the news or a tv show. I'm worrying about her watching tv with us. I'm not worried about the content since she doesn't understand anything yet, just more worried about the actual screen time. We are trying to not have the tv on as much at night and to turn her so she can't see the screen. Do you worry about this if you have a young baby? Was it a non-factor for you? Do you think I'm crazy worrying about this already?