So as some of you know (mainly I keep up w/the bees I have on Instagram since I haven't had Internet between moves) J has ears that stick out really bad. Honestly I was really self conscious at first bc my ears stick out and I know what it's like to be made fun of. Over the past few months I've gotten over it though and really don't notice them and kinda came to love them because they're part of who he is and I love him!

Anywhodiddle. I was at HyVee last night with him getting groceries and this college aged couple were staring at him and then from an aisle over I heard them say 'did you see that?!' and laugh. I don't know for a fact that they were laughing at his ears but it made me SO upset. I hurt for him bc I was made fun of and I hate that he'll have to go thru it.

Is it totally selfish to feel like this?? I don't care for myself, I just don't want him to be hurt because people are jerks