This is pretty much a vent.

LO woke up with a wheezing breath on Saturday, it turned into a dry cough. She is acting like her normal self only with the dreaded cough. Her breathing got much better on Sunday and we sent her to school on Monday with a cough--but when she came home the cough was worse and kind of wet/phlegmy.

I felt like a bad parent for sending her to school yesterday. She woke up today with a fever and runny nose so I kept her home. We've been in front of the humidifier, she's got Vicks on, we did saline spray, Motrin for the fever, tea w/honey, soup, and rest. Only gave her the Motrin after taking her temp this afternoon and it went up a bit. She is still acting like her normal threenager self.

I worked from home but it's not a convenient time to wfh. Co-worker is out on paternity leave. Tomorrow I have a big meeting to work on a last-minute but big project due on Tuesday (that I have to write). FYI: I have taken off for parent teacher conference and to get her flu shot.

DH is a teacher. A b-list celebrity is coming to his school tomorrow to talk to the kids. He's excited about that. He also has a special meeting after school. He has made no mention of staying home. I suggested it and no response.

Also, to add to this vent my carpal tunnel is killing me and I have so much to write for work. I worked with a sleeping 3 year old on my lap typing with my left hand. UGH!