Hellobee Boards


September POAS 6+ months

  1. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @agold: 💗💗💗 thank goodness we all have each other. And you can add your POAS date, don't mind us being serious sallys.

  2. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @agold: @LibbyLou: Thanks ladies. Sorry I'm having a pity party. That's a good point that IVF has higher odds, and might be able to have embryos to freeze so if it doesn't work the first time, the second should be better.

  3. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @LibbyLou: Thanks, lady! I always love a good serious sally moment. Its real stuff!

    @AmeliaBedilia: My RE is 100% in favor of frozen embryo transfers. So I'm really going to try not to be too bummed if my fresh embryo transfer doesn't work out.

    My POAS/blood test day is 9/30/15 assuming I have a three-day embryo transfer!

  4. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @agold: That is so soon! Eek, I'm excited for you!

  5. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @ms.line: Thank you! I'm excited too! I'm trying to keep out the "well why should this do the trick?" thoughts after TTC for like 2+ years now.

  6. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @KrzyRiver: Sorry about the delay, congratulations!!! Seeing your gives me so much hope!

    Welcome to the new faces on the board and I think it helps to hear both happy and serious Sally stuff for sure!

    Things have been so crazy for me lately. I'm on CD 29 and still haven't ovulated according to FF/ basal body temps. So I will probably have to change my POAS date but not sure what to switch it to.

    I am still waiting on my blood work to rule out PCOS and my acupuncturist will meet with me after that for more rounds. I've been trying to distract myself and practice patience but it's hard.

    I got a new job I was applying for at my current company which admittedly is something I may not have gone for if I had conceived earlier this year. Maybe there is a reason for all this.

    I am also taking Creighton classes. I still have mixed feelings about them but I was thrilled to find out this particular instructor was willing to look at my FF charts too and she also is a big proponent of BBT charting too.

    Has anyone heard about Mark Zuckerberg's announcement about dealing with miscarriages? I thought it was interesting.

  7. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    Sorry for the pity party yesterday. 13DPO here. I'm trying to keep my mind off it, but we all know that's not likely. I had a dream where I had twins, which is entirely possible- two good follicles this month. I'm also trying to come up with silver linings if I'm not- I can try out this new trampoline aerobics, go off prednisone, eat sugar, drink on my trip...Waiting is so hard! Does anyone else get anxious about whether their period will start?

  8. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I think we've all had those days! It's an understatement that TTC is tough and really messes with your emotions. I think all your silver linings sound fabulous! Yes, EVERY cycle I tell myself that I won't get all worked up in the TWW, but every cycle I fail. I get so anxious towards the end of the TWW. *sigh*

    @KittySunshine: I thought Zuckerberg's annoucement was touching. I'm always impressed when a couple of that kind of stature comes out about their IF struggles...it helps "normalize" what we're all going through.

    @agold: Exciting!! Hopefully 9/30 is a day!!!

    My RE appointment is this afternoon!!! I never thought I'd be so excited to go see the lady doctor, lol. Although I'm not entirely sure any sort of examination will be done today; I think it's just going to be a consultation/going over my history.

  9. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @doxielove: Thanks. Good luck at your appointment.

    I just found out we might be moving sooner than expected. We bought a farm and doing a total renovation. A small part of the house might be ready in a month. DH wants to move in early, stage our current house, and get it on the market. That means a ton of work to do! Maybe this will get my mind off TTC and a silver lining is it will be easier if I'm not pregnant. Maybe the new house will change our luck.

  10. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @doxielove: I agree about normalizing what we have been or are going through! How are your acupuncture appointments going? I know you mentioned you still felt skeptical. I feel like I'm trying so many crazy things during the ttc process. Good luck with your RE appointment!

  11. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Good luck with your farm renovation! Hopefully it is a happy distraction for you.

  12. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @KittySunshine: I went to 2 appointments so far and haven't scheduled a 3rd yet. I'm still skeptical. I guess I'm waiting to see what the RE says today and what kind of testing and/treatment she may recommend along the way. We have no IF treatment insurance coverage, so if we need to put $ aside, at this point I'm more comfortable investing in Western medicine. How are you liking acupuncture?

  13. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    A little morning TTC humor. I'm not in clomid this cycle due to me forgetting to pack it over Labor Day. I'm still charting and testing OPK and trying to "relax"- whatever the f that means. Anyway, this morning I got an OPK all on my own! I excitedly showed my husband while he was brushing his teeth. He spit out everything and was like "are you shitting me?" (Wow,I thought, he sure is excited that I can ovulate) "you're pregnant???!" Oh man I had to laugh as I said, no dummy it's a OPK. How could you even THINK this looks like a pregnancy test. 😂😂😂
    I couldn't help but laugh at my DH expense. Even though he knows what I do, he's really clueless.

  14. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @LibbyLou: LMAO my DH said the same thing to me a few months back.

  15. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @LibbyLou: lol!! Great story!! Love your "whatever the f that means" aside, also! Here's to that!

  16. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @LibbyLou: LOL! That is a great story, if only an opk were a pregnancy test!! Thanks for the humor.

    @doxielove: I guess I like acupuncture so far because she had been so helpful and had gone through fertility struggles herself. I feel like doctors and nurses can be really hard to get in touch with.

    However, your point about going with Western medicine definitely has been a thought of mine. I sometimes wonder if I'm in denial about needing to go with the bug guns and I'm just trying the cheaper route of Creighton classes and acupuncture to avoid the big ticket RE/IVF fees, but if I end up having to go to an RE in the long run I won't be money ahead.

    For now I guess I'm just giving the OB and acupuncture route a try and we will see if I change my mind at the beginning of next year. I also struggle with the lack of insurance coverage. I feel like a lot of people just wish they went straight to an RE, but some people seemed to have luck with an OB, Creighton/NaPro, vitamins/supplements, acupuncture etc.

  17. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    Got through today without AF- super anxious about it coming, which is strange because I've been feeling less anxious overall. Tomorrow is 14DPO, so I have at least a 13 day LP. My two cycles of femara 2.5mg were a 14 day LP, and last cycle with the exact same protocol as this cycle was 13 days. Beta Friday. I'm freaking out over here.

  18. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I'm spotting lightly and pretty sure this is AF. If so, my trip falls CD11-CD15. Really?

  19. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had my RE appointment and then immediately afterwards I visited a new chiropractor. Both physicians were amazing!

    My RE seems like a good fit. We spent a good amount of time going over my history/family history/cycle patterns/test results, etc. Based on the fact that my cycles are very regular, she's thinking clomid + TI will be a great option for me; she said it should make my ovulation stronger. She ordered CD3 bloodwork, which I'll complete next cycle, and if that comes back OK she'll prescribe clomid for the following cycle to take on CD 5-9. (So, early November). She explained we could either go for IUI straight away w/ the clomid or try a few cycles of TI + clomid. Since $$ is a factor in my decision making, we both decided that a couple TI cycles would be a great option to start with. Ease into treatment.

    I LOVE my new chiro. She spent 1.5 hours with me...! She did xrays, a thermal scan, and a surface EMG. I have significant disturbances in my L1-3 region. She stated she never promises results, but she's confident that she can help me get pregnant! I'm going back tonight and am hoping to get more details...

    So, yesterday was a great day!!

  20. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Oh man, I'm so sorry about the spotting I really hope this isn't AF!!

    @KittySunshine: You and I are on the same page! My husband and I have been trying for 3 years...we're all about exploring "alternative" options prior to forking out tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments! That's just our personal preference, though. And I'm sure if we had full IF coverage we'd be singing a different tune I definitely agree about being able to relate to your doctors. I forgot to mention in my post above that my chiropractor has gone through IF. She and her husband ultimately chose adoption; she said if I ever wanted to discuss adoption she's totally open to it!

  21. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I'm definitely out. RE says to skip femara next cycle. I need to start prednisone just in case. He wants me to do OPKs. I almost always ovulate CD15, though cabergoline might affect that. This work trip is crazy busy- 6am-11pm nonstop, public restrooms since I won't have time to get back to my room...not sure how this will go. I feel like 2 failed IUIs means a third won't work either. And AF is being extra bad.

  22. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @doxielove: It's so nice to have someone on the same page! I actually was curious, what will going to a chiropractor do to help fertility? It is nice to have resources who know about various options like adoption and IVF. I just learned about a friend of a friend who has been trying for 5 years!

  23. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I'm so sorry

  24. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Ugh I'm so sorry AF is here

  25. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I'm so sorry about af

    @KittySunshine: So. I'm not great at relaying medical info, but my understanding is that when nerves are pinched aka subluxed, even if you're not in pain (eg, I have no back pain but I have many subluxations), this can cause disruptions in the communication between the brain and whatever organ or region of the body these nerves are connected to. So in my case, because I have subluxations in my lower spinal region, and these nerves go to the reproductive organs, by fixing these subluxations through adjustments fertility is often improved. Things like peristaltis (spelling?) with the egg moving down the tubes, etc. It was fascinating talking with the chiropractor! Eta here's a helpful chart:

  26. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I'm really sorry about AF.

  27. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @doxielove: Thanks for the interesting info!

    @AmeliaBedilia: Sorry about AF and wishing you best of luck while traveling for work and using opks in public restrooms!

  28. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @doxielove: This is really interesting. Who knew? I'm certainly going to try and go see a chiropractor soon. Thanks for the information

  29. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I'm sorry about AF. I always did my OPKs in my public work bathroom. I took a dixie cup in with me, peed in that, dipped my stick, and then put the stick back in the wrapper before putting it my pocket/purse. Tossed the dixie cup in the sanitary napkins bin. I'd just sneak a peak five minutes later or so.

  30. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @ms.line: thanks, that sounds like a plan!

  31. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    Positive or almost positive? First cycle using opk's in over a year and I'm remembering why I hated these things!!!!!

  32. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @doxielove: I think almost, assuming right side is control.

  33. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    Ugh! It was supposed to be my POAS date back on Friday and I still haven't ovulated yet according to Fertility Friend. In fact I'm on CD34 which is longer than the length of my usual cycle. Has anyone experienced their cycles getting longer and longer as the months go by?

  34. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @KittySunshine: Ugh, how frustrating! I've really only heard of cycles progressively lengthening like that with PCOS. Can you get a script for Clomid or Femara from your doc?

  35. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    I'm thinking I either missed my surge or didn't O yet. TMI, my CM wasn't as fertile as it usually is around O and my OPK's never got any darker than the pic above. If anything I may be 2dpo based on the almost-positive above.

  36. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @doxielove: I was testing twice and sometimes 3 times a day, and only got one that dark. I got pregnant, so clearly it was a +! Did yours get lighter after that one?

  37. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @sslm: Yes; the next days's afternoon test was drastically lighter. I really could be testing multiple times a day. Wondfo's are cheap enough!

  38. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @ms.line: You turned out to be right! I called my doctor's office this morning and the blood test and sonogram confirm PCOS. I have an appointment in October where I will talk to the doctor more. At least I have some explanation right now, but I think I was hoping it wouldn't go that way since I was ovulating.

  39. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @KittySunshine: Definitely not news you want to hear, but having a diagnosis means getting appropriate treatment! There are lots of PCOS mamas who get pregnant with just a little help - hoping your October appointment goes well!

  40. KittySunshine

    olive / 50 posts

    @ms.line: Thanks! Trying not to be too bummed out about it. At least all the ttc delay makes more sense now.

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