Hey Ladies! It's been a rough couple of months for a lot of us but we keep going. I have so much faith that we will get our BFP's! Good luck to everyone this cycle.
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan this month:
Hey Ladies! It's been a rough couple of months for a lot of us but we keep going. I have so much faith that we will get our BFP's! Good luck to everyone this cycle.
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan this month:
kiwi / 689 posts
Cycle Day: 20
TTC Cycle #: 16
Ovulation and POAS dates: I ovulated either 8/21 or 8/22
POAS: 9/4
Baby #:1
Your plan this month: I just had Prolactin levels checked which were normal and friday I'm having my progesterone tested. If normal and I don't get my BFP, I may begin thinking about IUI. A few things I have been doing this cycle:
Drinking at least two cups of raspberry leaf tea.
I've been eating more leafy greens and more colorful veggies.
I've been trying to stay away from processed food as much as possible. The one thing I have not been able to give up is my 1 cup of morning coffee I might have to think about doing that.
I've eliminated plastics as much as possible. I only use glass or stainless steel. I know this isn't much but I'd like to think every bit of change brings me closer to my BFP.
I've also been trying to not expose myself to cleaning products as much. I use gloves when cleaning so as not to make skin contact with products. I think I may be estrogen dominant so this is why I made some of these changes.
pear / 1881 posts
I'll start us out..
Cycle Day: 21
TTC Cycle #: 25
Ovulation and POAS date: Ovulation - 8/17 and POAS 9/1
Baby #:2
Plan for this month: I had my third IUI (and first with injectibles) on CD13, so now I wait. I could probably test on 8/31, but will wait one extra day. I had two great follicles when I triggered - 18mm and 21mm. If this cycle doesn't work, I think we are onto IVF. I need to call my doctor and setup a IVF consult..
pear / 1881 posts
@LoveHope: me too! I don't feel any different, though, so it's hard to know what the outcome will be. Our 5 year anniversary is on Thursday, so I'd love a late present in the form of a
pear / 1881 posts
@LoveHope: I'm curious - what is the raspberry leaf tea for and when in your cycle are you supposed to drink it? I've feel like I've tried everything under the moon, but might be worth it to add something else.
kiwi / 689 posts
@NorthStar: Raspberry leaf tea helps tone your uterus and thickens your lining. Many women drink it towards the end of pregnancy to help ease labor but I've read about women drinking it to also help with ttc. Raspberry leaves are high in Carotenoids, citric acid, tannins,vitamin A, B complex, C, and E. They also have an easily assimilated form of iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and silica. I've read so many great reviews about it. I drink it during my entire cycle.
Here is a link with more info
grapefruit / 4028 posts
We aren't quite TTC yet, but mind if I pop in? I'm trying to start tracking so I can be ready to go in a few months.
Cycle Day: ??? It's been 12 days since the D&C
TTC Cycle #: 24ish? we started actively TTC in June 2013.
Ovulation and POAS dates: not sure yet, or even if I'll ovulate, but I'm giving it 6 weeks.
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: trying to recover ASAP. DH is nervous about going to back to TTC and may need more time than I do, I'm not sure what to do about that.
I might try the raspberry leaf tea! Thanks for mentioning it!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: Take it day by day. Your body has been through so much the last few weeks but with time, you'll feel like yourself again I imagine.
How long did your dr tell you to wait before trying again?
Raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help people who have had miscarriages. I guess every little bit helps. Lots of positive thoughts your way as you heal
persimmon / 1388 posts
Hello - former semi-active poster, dipping my toes back into HB...I'll give a little recap of my story...
My husband and I began TTC December 2012. Charting, OPK's, the whole sheebang. I was 24 when we began TTC, so I wasn't in too much of a rush to hurry-up-and-get-KU. We took our time, gained an awareness of my cycles, and rolled with it.
I have pretty unremarkable, ovulatory cycles*. Although I stopped using them, OPK's have indicated surges. Again, I don't chart anymore, but sustained temp rises also indicated normal O. I've had several ultrasounds; everything looks OK structurally. Around the 11 month mark of TTC DH got an SA done; normal results. I think we were at 17 cycles when I got my HSG done in May 2014; again, normal results.
*I have not gotten the bloodwork done to confirm O, though, I think that's the 7dpo test?? Going to discuss with my Dr. For now, I'm going to consult w/ my OBGYN because anything with an RE is not covered by my insurance.
Since then, I've been quite apathetic toward the whole process. I've had 0 positive pregnancy tests. DH and I have had a lot of ups and downs emotionally with this whole process, in addition to other (extended) family issues over the past almost 3 years. I'd say we've been more-or-less NTNP over the past 6-12 months (although we've still had great timing...) My annual OBGYN appointment is 9/25 and I'm ready to "get back in the game." I think I'm finally in a good place mentally to pursue additional testing I've previously declined.
Cycle Day: CD 19/2DPO? I use CM for dating O, so that may be a day or 2 off...
TTC Cycle #: Wow, I had to login to fertility friend to actually count. TTC since December 2012, so 35 cycles
Ovulation and POAS dates: I don't really POAS anymore, but if AF is late, my test date would be around 9/5
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: This is my 2nd month taking Ovaboost. We've done every-other-day timing since CD 10 to cover our bases.
Thanks for reading my novel, and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: thanks, friend. The dr said to wait 2 cycles, but DH wants to wait longer. It's killing me. I get it, and probably need to wait more than I care to admit, but we've lost so much time already...
pear / 1881 posts
@Crystal: hang in there. This whole infertility thing sucks, especially, when all you want is to be successful. Lots of hugs to get you through these next few months and keep us updated if you ovulate and how everything goes.
kiwi / 689 posts
@doxielove: Hello there
Yes 7dpo testing will test your progesterone levels. I'm having mine done this friday. I would suggest getting CD3-5 bloodwork also in which they test your FSH, LH, and E2. These are usually the tests that doctors begin with when you discover that it's taking longer than normal to conceive.
I wish you the best of luck this cycle!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: They (our DH's) hate seeing what we go through each month. Maybe he'll change his mind. Hang in there.
pear / 1881 posts
@doxielove: Welcome to our very supportive group! I concur with everything @LoveHope: said. I will say that depending what your OBGYN suggests, maybe check in and get suggestions regarding your protocol. For example, last year, I worked with my OB and was on letrozole/femara (kind of like clomid) for a number of months, but was never monitored. I SO wish that I wouldn't have done that as monitoring is very important to ensure that correct number and size of follicles are forming. I hope that they can help you..but, remember that an OB's expertise is not in getting someone pregnant, but rather, after that has already occurred. Good luck!!!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@NorthStar: infertility feels like a never ending battle. Losing another baby is heart wrenching, And knowing what I'm facing with IF is kicking me while I'm down. Thank you for the hugs. As much as i hate having to TTC again, I'm so thankful for all of you.
@doxielove: hi! I remember you from the POAS threads around that time, I'm still in the trenches too. Welcome back.
kiwi / 689 posts
@NorthStar: I agree with this group being such a good support system for us. I honestly don't know how I would get through each month without the support from all these wonderful ladies
persimmon / 1388 posts
@LoveHope: @NorthStar: Thank you for the warm welcome!
@Crystal: Hi! I'm so sorry to see you are still here I'm very sorry about your recent loss Will you pursue another clomid cycle when you try again?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: that's true, I know it's hard for him to see me struggle. It's just so damn frustrating, you know?
@doxielove: I hope too. I asked the receptionist at my new dr (I switched to the guy that did the emergency D&C for me), and she said that the dr outsources for all infertility cases. I have an appt with him on Tuesday and I hope he's willing to run some tests and prescribe more clomid for me. I O on my own, but I guess it's an added boost.
kiwi / 739 posts
Hello, hello. I'm joining in.
Cycle day: 17th
Ttc cycle: 15-16. Got on cycle 14 in June.
POAS/ovulation date: poas 9/4. Like someone above, our anniversary is thay week and would love a positive test!
Baby: #1
Plan: I got pregnant off a clomid cycle/after HSG. Ended in ectopic so this was first month trying again. Did clomid and TI. Was still in a slump from the loss so I have been eating poorly and not working out like I normally do. Now that I'm in the TWW I am freaking out because I feel like I set myself up for failure. Trying to get back on track. Also worrying about if I DO get pregnant. (Like am I emotionally ready). But that ship has sailed and I'm just worrying away.
@lovehope we are on the same timeline! Hopefully we will both get good news this month
@crystal ugh on it all. I can commiserate somewhat with being on different pages with DH. Mine told me that if we go through what we did in July again he doesn't want to continue Ttc. Given that my doctor said I'm at higher risk for another ectopic I am nervous. As for waiting or not, as you can see above I have no good advice. I'm just throwing caution to the wind. Well as much as you can when you need help getting KU! We did two years NTNP so I also feel like we have lost SO much time.
kiwi / 689 posts
@LibbyLou: We certainly are! Lots of luck to you this month!
I'm so sorry about your ectopic pregnancy. So unfair!
kiwi / 689 posts
So I'm in the TWW right now and I get so depressed around this time. I remember getting excited during this time when I first started trying. Ughhh hormones!
Anyone else feel strange around this time? I feel like its PMS which I always get a week before AF. I really hope I'm wrong.
persimmon / 1132 posts
Just cheering from the sidelines, sending love and luck to you all. Hopefully I'll POAS in October (tentative ET: 10/5)!
kiwi / 689 posts
POAS Dates
NorthStar: 9/1
Lovehope: 9/4
Libbylou: 9/4
Doxielove: 9/5
TBA: Crystal
Cheerleaders: Amorini
pomelo / 5326 posts
Ok let's make September a good one! Good luck ladies
Cycle Day: CD 20/4dpo
TTC Cycle #: 6 after our 22w loss back in December.
Ovulation and POAS dates: POAS 09/1 at 10dpo. I won't be able to hold out any longer but I have a short LP so may not make it that long anyways.
Baby #: 2. We have a 2 year old DD.
Your plan this month: trying to relax during TWW. I'm eating pineapple core for 5 days to help with implantation. Going to a blue jays game next week so that should help keep my mind off things.
My friend just texted to say her FET worked this month which is great news for her but I also feel a bit jealous. Although it would be fun to be on Mat leave with her so hope this is our month too.
nectarine / 2192 posts
Cycle Day: 6
TTC Cycle #: too many
Ovulation and POAS dates: TBD
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: femara/ovidrel/IUI#2. I had a good response with two follicles- 16 and 18mm on CD9, great sperm count post wash and a excellent progesterone. I'm also on cabergoline, synthroid, and after ovulation I start prednisone. I also started seeing a master acupuncturist. I have a work trip at the end of September which will prevent monitoring next cycle, so I really hope this is it!
kiwi / 689 posts
POAS Dates
NorthStar: 9/1
Delight: 9/1
Lovehope: 9/4
Libbylou: 9/4
Doxielove: 9/5
TBD:Crystal, Ameliabedilia
Cheerleaders: Amorini
Good luck to all of us. Many of us will be testing next week
How is your TWW going? I'm moody as heck and I'm afraid it's my usual PMS hitting.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: I'm not In the TWW, but I'm frustrated as all heck with my body, does that count? I'm still bleeding almost 2 weeks post D&C, and a pregnancy test yesterday still showed a clear line. I hope my cycle resets soon.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: I can see how that can be absolutely frustrating. I'm guessing the only thing that may help is to eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and try to stay stress free. These things really play a huge role in our cycle. The stress part is extremely difficult for me to achieve
pear / 1696 posts
Cycle Day: 16
TTC Cycle #: 7
Ovulation and POAS dates: ?8/21, 9/4
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: keep on keeping on, i'm getting a bit discouraged now...I used opks the last two cycles but wasn't testing enough so missed my +. Need to test more next time to get my O date!
I'm 35 so I feel like maybe I should see a RE soon but I hate going to the doctors! ugh
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: I know I need to be patient, and I truly am trying, but it can be such a challenge sometimes. I just want to have a baby so badly, and I can't make progress towards that until things reset and I wait a few cycles. It's the hurry up and wait that is the most frustrating.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: I understand. It's so annoying to me how we treat our bodies well and do all of the things we should be doing to grow a baby yet it doesn't come easy for us. There are people who abuse their bodies and still manage to get KU. It's so wrong. ughhh. Hang in there.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Crystal: That is so frustrating! It makes me Sad to have you back on this thread. (No offense, I think you know how I mean that!) I hope your body resets quickly!
olive / 50 posts
I'll go ahead and join this month. and FX to everyone.
Cycle Day: 9
TTC Cycle #: 9
Ovulation and POAS dates: O can be anywhere from CD 16 to 24 and POAS date is supposed to be 9/18 according to Fertility Friend
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: I have an acupuncture appointment on the 31st. I bought OPKs for this month too that I haven't used since Cycle # 1 and 2.. I found out my thyroid and prolactin levels are normal but an ultrasound showed mildly enlarged ovaries with a slight poly-cystic appearance. I've asked if more testing can be done and what that means and the OB is supposed to get back to me.
Last month I kind of took a break because I was going on a girl's trip and waiting on results from my OB. This month I've been interviewing for a new job at my company that would involve more travel. I feel like earlier this year I might have turned something like that down because I thought I'd be pregnant a lot faster. Now, blessing or curse that these months of TTC have been, I've decided to go for it, come what may.
olive / 50 posts
@LoveHope: Hoping you are wrong about it being PMS symptoms too. The TWW is definitely a lot less exciting than it used to be for me. A friend gave me red raspberry leaf supplements but I wasn't sure if I should give those a shot without talking to a doctor first or not.
@lady grey: I hate going to doctors too! I can't believe how TTC has been pushing me to go to doctors, call and follow up with doctors and insurance, get blood tests and even try out acupuncture.
@Crystal: Wishing you a speedy recovery! Patience is not my strong suit so I can't imagine going through what you have. I think it's great you've joined the rest of us on here.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: it is so wrong. And so many fall pregnant under less than ideal conditions/situations, yet here we are giving it out all and having a rough go of it.
@AmeliaBedilia: lol, I'm sad to be back! (I love all of you, but you know what I mean). I think you and I are the last remnants from the POAS threads from so long ago, and I wish with all my Heart you graduate soon. I hope we both do, we've been stuck here far too long.
@KittySunshine: I totally understand about putting things off for TTC thinking it wouldn't take so long. Good for you for going for the job though! Fx you get it! Let me know what your dr says about the RRL tea, I'm thinking about trying it too.
kiwi / 689 posts
POAS Dates
NorthStar: 9/1
Delight: 9/1
Lovehope: 9/4
Libbylou: 9/4
Lady grey: 9/4
Doxielove: 9/5
TBD:Crystal, Ameliabedilia
Cheerleaders: Amorini
kiwi / 689 posts
@KittySunshine: Hello there Will this be your first ever acupuncture appointment? I did it last cycle but I didn't keep up with it this cycle which I really regret. Acupuncture is supposed to be really helpful in aiding conception.
I don't do the raspberry leaf supplements, I drink the tea. From what I've read it's safe to use. I did hear about stopping it if you become pregnant though. But still talk to your doctor about it. Lots of luck to you this cycle!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@doxielove: welcome back to the boards but sorry to see you are still TTC. I hope you and your OB can figure out a good plan this month so you can move forward. I wish all the best this month!
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