Hellobee Boards


September POAS - Fall for BFP's!

  1. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Mrs. J: Mine is 17 months and has stopped STTN. Teething, a cold, and separation anxiety... Ugh. Anyway, my temps have been crazy and I think it's probably pointless to bother charting...

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @travellingbee: blargh. Don't these babies get it??

    So, I'm either ovulation bleeding or starting AF again at CD16. Real cool, body. Cool.

  3. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    @Starfish: Sorry to hear about your CP. Wishing you luck as you get back into TTC.
    @travellingbee: Yeast infections are the pits...especially when you can't seem to get it to clear up. At the very least, try to wear cotton undies and drink some natural cranberry juice (not just for UTIs). Wishing you luck.
    @dc yoga bee: good luck!
    @Anutka: luck to you as you figure out your cycle

  4. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Anutka: this is my first pp cycle too! Temping seems futile at this point.

  5. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @BigSkyGirl So excited for you! Can't wait for your update tomorrow!

    @TravellingBee Wow, that sucks! Maybe go back to the doc and see if there is some industrial strength yeast killer that you haven't tried yet? good to know conceive plus might cause yeast infections . I tend to be prone to them, and wanted to possibly try C+ but now I will think twice.

  6. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Thanks all. I can't get into the doctor until Friday but I'll call again tomorrow. It's not horrible right now so I think I will still plan to BD tomorrow with lots of preseed. no idea how badly this will affect everything...

  7. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @Bigskygirl: I don't really know what I'm looking for, but I see lines! Fingers crossed for you

    @TravellingBee: Sorry about the yeast infection. That just sounds brutal

  8. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @RubyCali: Thank you! I need all the luck I can get!
    @SeptMomma12: yay congrats!!
    @Starfish: so sorry about your CP. FX this cycle!!
    @Bigskygirl: I see two lines!
    @TravellingBee: Sorry about the infection - they are the worst!!!!

    Welp, I had two super positive OPKs yesterday....FX!!

  9. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    I took the FRER this morning at 15dpo. While there were two lines, the test line was sooo light I could barely make it out. Hubby could see it too, so I know it's there. Unfortunately, it was lighter than my tests from yesterday afternoon. CP perhaps? Not a clue what to think. This is my first positive test ever, so I have nothing to compare it to. 15dpo seems awfully late to have such a faint line. Ugh!

  10. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Bigskygirl: hmmmm... Well two lines is good.... They always say not to worry about how dark they are but I probably would too. Will your dr. Give you a blood test if you call?

  11. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @Bigskygirl: Could you have ovulated later than you thought? Maybe take another FRER tomorrow and see if it shows up darker? I've never seen a positive in person, so I'm not much help, but I'm sending positive thoughts your way that this one sticks!

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Bigskygirl: My BFP at 13dpo was suuuuper faint. Like I thought it was negative at first. So maybe you did ovulate a day or two later than you thought? FX for you!

  13. kick641

    cherry / 157 posts

    @Bigskygirl: I took a FRER this weekend to see if I could get a darker line on it and it was still really faint. Maybe some people just have that problem? My wondfos are still dark and clear.

  14. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @kick641: @Bigskygirl: From what I understand, the darkness of the line is all about how much dye is in the test, not how pregnant you are, so try (as hard as it is!) not to worry.

  15. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @Bigskygirl: Can you try a digital? My FRER was super-light on Saturday, so I took a digital this morning to confirm. There's no guessing on digitals! Sending you lots of luck

  16. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @hellobeeboston, @TarHeelBee, @MissLace, @nicole112: I'm sorry. Boo.
    @SeptMomma12: Congrats! Woo hoo! And what a cute way to tell DH
    @travellingbee: I'm so sorry about the YI and the timing. This cycle was really important to me for a lot of reasons too, so I feel your pain. <hugs>
    @Ashleyf21, @dc yoga bee: hope the tww speeds by for you!
    @Starfish: I'm sorry about the m/c, hope this cycle is much happier!
    @Mrs. J: mid-cycle spotting is confusing! Fx for you.
    @Bigskygirl: A line is a line, is what I've heard too. Stick little bean, stick! Will your dr run betas for you?
    @MrsBrewer: Fx for you for Friday! So hard to wait...

    I'm feeling really down today. I think I got myself way too excited that I read too much into every little possible symptom, and at 12dpo this morning, I know I'm not out until CD1, but now I'm feeling like I do right before AF, so... Trying to prepare myself mentally for that. <pity party for 1>

  17. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @ballerinabee: I'll join your pity party...I think this was a 16 day cycle with AF returning last night. Greaaaaaaat.

  18. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    I'm getting super anxious/nervous now. Positive OPK yesterday and today. We BDed every single night, with the exception of 1. FX FX FX FX FX that I get a rainbow baby this month

  19. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @ValentineMommy: So many freaking fingers crossed for you!

  20. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Bigskygirl: Hmmm...I am sorry you are in limbo land. There is a chance this is a CP or, perhaps, was your urine more diluted this morning? Also, many women say they get a positive on a wandfo before a FRER and still some others get a darker positive in the pm. It does take 48 hours for pregnancy hormones to double, so it wouldn't necessarily darken right away. I am sure you know all this but you have a bunch of ladies rooting for you.

  21. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Thank you!!!

  22. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts


  23. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @Mrs. J: 16 days is lousy and confusing Welcome to my pity party. I'm sorry.

    @ValentineMommy: , hope your 2ww goes by quickly!

  24. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @SeptMomma12: Congrats! That's a line.

    We BD'ed most of the weekend. Yesterday, we didn't get to because DH wasn't feeling so hot. We may have another day today to get some more in. I'm not to read too much into some symptoms I'm having right now. The past two cycles, my breasts have been tender early in the fertile period, then the next one, it was before AF. Right now, they're sore post ovulation. Who knows!?!

  25. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Crossing fingers and rooting for you this month!

  26. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    @ballerinabee: I hope that 12dpo is just too early for your bfp.

  27. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @ballerinabee: Don't give up! I didn't get my BFP until 15dpo with DS.

  28. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    @simplyfelicity: @ballerinabee: @SeptMomma12: @Mrs. J: @kick641: @hilsy85: @Mrs. Microscope: @Hoots: @travellingbee:
    Thank you all for your votes of confidence and advice! I am just going to keep my hopes up and test again tomorrow.

  29. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Mrs. J: @ballerinabee: @Bigskygirl: Thank you!!! I can't believe I'm back in the 2ww!!

    @Bigskygirl: Fingers crossed for you! I never got BFP's until the day AF was due, so I'm still rooting for you!

  30. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @SeptMomma12: Yay, congratulations!!

    @cascademom: My O date should be Monday (the 15th) so I'm preparing to buckle down for the next week too. Here goes nothing!

  31. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @SeptMomma12: congrats on your BFP!!!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months

    @ValentineMommy: thinking of you and hoping this is your month for sticky baby!

  32. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    September Roll Call
    May Babies: Kick641; Septmomma12; BigSkyGirl

    9/4 - Snickers; Runnergirl
    9/7 - ; Misslace
    9/10 - Ballerinabee; Mrsbrewer; Fotolori1
    9/13 - Mrsvdv
    9/16 - Novbaby1112; Cascademom
    9/17 - MrsSquirreld; Rubycali
    9/20 - Valentinemommy; Mrs.J; Anutka
    9/22 - Mrsads; Travellingbee
    9/23 - Cotton
    9/26 - Mrs.microscope; Tidybee
    9/27 - Ashleyf21; DCyogabee
    9/28 - Angelachase
    9/29 - Raspberries
    9/30 - JennyG
    End of September (TBD): Hoots; Hilsy85; LilOwl; Dolphin; Starfish

    Cheerleaders: MrsMcarthy; MrsScrapbook

    Rollover to Future BFPs: Marfi; Eko; Auggiefrog; Desertdreams88; Hellobeeboston; Tarheelbee; Nicole112;

    Sorry to everyone that I have not been so up to date on this thread. Work is insane and both my grandparents are in the hospital, so when I am not at work I have been there.

    FX for everyone that got BFP's and sorry to hear about everyone who didn't.

  33. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Thank you!!!

    @Eko: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents! I hope everything is ok.

    Seriously, this is going to be the most excruciating TWW in history. I'm so nervous!

  34. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    My BFPs haven't darkened much, but three days later I am still getting positive tests that aren't squinters. Fingers crossed that this sticks....still quite hesitant to get excited.

    I hope this month is lucky for many more bees.

  35. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @Eko: i'm a rollover to October (for whenever the list gets updated again). Thanks!

  36. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @Bigskygirl: Yay! Congrats

  37. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Bigskygirl: FX!!! Congrats!

    @MissLace: Sorry!

  38. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Eko: Roll me over

  39. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Bigskygirl: YAY! Congrats!!

  40. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @Bigskygirl: Congrats!!! WOO HOO!!

    @Eko: I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents. I hope they're well again soon, and I'm sorry that work is crazy on top of that! Boo.

    Roll me over to October, CD1 for me this morning. This one stings a little more than usual for a variety of reasons. I think I may venture into the IF threads, since we begin testing in 2 days.

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