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Seven month babble level?

  1. skibobrown

    pomegranate / 3388 posts

    Sounds pretty normal. I can't remember exactly where DD was at around 7 months, but I do remember that she said dada forever before saying mama. She also went through stages with her consonants. She went through a "da" stage, a "ha" stage, and a "la" stage.

  2. Mrs. Cat in the Cradle

    GOLD / kiwi / 613 posts

    @Giraffe: It seems to be part of the whole mommy thing. You get something in your head, and you can't quite shake it. She started army crawling today, so I'm hoping she really crawls soon. She can get so crabby because she can't quite put it all together yet. It can make the day very long if she really gets stuck in a bad mood.

  3. Giraffe

    apricot / 274 posts

    @Mrs. Cat in the Cradle: Oh, absolutely. I also haven't spent much time around babies before now, so I don't have a good sense of the range of "normal" and those stupid charts and books just kill me sometimes! The friend I saw yesterday was also telling me about this terrifying questionnaire that our provider apparently mails out before the 9-month appointment, with questions like "does your baby use different words to refer to different objects?" Really?!

    I bet real crawling is coming very soon for your LO. Mine got very frustrated when he kept going backwards, but fortunately we were able to redirect/distract him most of the time.

  4. Mrs. Cat in the Cradle

    GOLD / kiwi / 613 posts

    @Giraffe: Oh dear, I really hope her pediatrician doesn't take that route. Early screening is a good thing, but that seems like it could create a lot of erroneous flags!

  5. aMohror

    apricot / 468 posts

    My LO is 7 months and doesn't babble at all She's very vocal but with screeches and yells! She responds to her name but we haven't gotten any vowels at all.

  6. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @Mrs. Cat in the Cradle: Would love to hear how your LO is talking these days!!

  7. Mrs. Cat in the Cradle

    GOLD / kiwi / 613 posts

    @mrbee: She is doing pretty well at nearly 17 months. Certainly not ahead of most toddlers in the spoken language department, but she understands a lot. She imitates speech patterns and has a cache of words she will say, but she doesn't use them all the time. She is opting to point and lead to communicate. Our pediatrician is not concerned, as she does understand, shakes her head no, and she'll figure out that the point and lead routine isn't as easy as just saying a word. Plus we obviously repeat/narrate the action and words she should use. And on top of it all, I was apparently a later speaker and opted to do those types of behavior until the "language explosion."

    I'm looking forward to her using language, because she is a very opinionated child and it will make life easier in our home.

    Tl;dr She knows some words, and has used correctly. She opts to lead and point, while understanding a lot of what we say to her. It all really seems to be very personality based, and I'm OK with that.


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