So my oldest is 3yrs 3 months and the baby is 10 weeks. Both boys. The oldest was never into the idea of a brother, it's like he knew from the get go that this was gonna suck for him. The first few days home were magical, he was so sweet and gentle with him. But now, we are dealing with a lot of this kinda stuff:

He pokes his fingers in his cheeks a little too hard
Squeezes his arm jus to little too hard (like on purpose)
He puts things on the baby's head (like he taped his sticker chart over the baby's face the other day)
He says he wants to squish baby brother and put him in the trash

He does all these things while watching me to see what I do. So he knows he is doing something bad - I am so bummed we are here. We definitely don't feel like a family at this point and I am at a loss for what to do. I give my oldest lots of one on one time. I have tried ignoring the behavior but at a certain point I just can't.

Any advice?