We're starting to think about TTC for #2. Our DD is 20 months old and was born at the end of Sept (2013). I'm having a hard time because I got bit by baby fever and every time I hear a pregnancy announcement, see a belly, hear about a newborn I feel like I want that. The practical side says were at least year out from seriously trying because we'd like to move and wouldn't list until feb/mar 2016. But boy do i feel it now...As a compromise, we might NTNP in the fall.
What are your thoughts on siblings sharing birth months? From a practical standpoint it worked out really well for my maternity leave, I could reuse a lot of maternity/baby clothes, and I would know what to expect seasonally. But would my kids feel like their missing out by having birthdays so close together.
Also we're looking at a 3 year age gap vs a 4 year age gap if we decide to wait... I didnt think I'd feel so strongly about having them closer until I saw how my nieces (3 and 1) interact and wish that for my own children.
Can anyone speak from experience?