Looking back, did you have any clues or signs that labor was going to start soon, even if you didn't realize it at the time? Or did it really go from not labor to labor? Like, crazy nesting, or going to the bathroom a lot, or whatever?

With C, on Saturday, 3 days before my due date, felt totally normal. Woke up Sunday having mild but consistent contractions and that was it (still a long early labor but no signs before early labor began).

This time every little thing I'm like, oh maybe that means labor is going to start! I wanted to clean the kitchen- is that nesting? Went to the bathroom- body getting ready for labor?? More Braxton hicks last night, labor?!?

39 weeks and 3 days right now. I wouldn't mind a couple more days so the toddler and I can both get rid of our colds but I can't help obsessing!