I knew SIL had her concealed carry license, but yesterday she shared a video on FB of some bystander stopping an armed robbery with the comment that this is why she always has a gun in her purse. I didn't realize she always has it, and I'm REALLY uncomfortable about it. We have a gun, but there's a big difference between one in a safe that's rarely taken out and one in a purse that can be left sitting around.
What steps do we need to take to keep LO safe? SIL lives out of state, and I'm not sure how the laws work with crossing state lines, but maybe that means she won't have it here when visiting? We'll definitely tell her she can't bring it in our house. But when we're visiting her I'm concerned. I would assume since she has a 5yo she has something she does with it to keep it safe, but I don't know. I'll have DH talk to her since she's his sister, though I'm not sure what to say. But even if she puts it somewhere safe, it would just be so easy for her to set it down for a minute and a kid get to it. Plus what about if we went out, and she left it hanging on her chair at a restaurant or something? We'll teach LO about gun safety, but there's a huge span when she'll be big enough to potentially get ahold of it but too young to understand.
I don't know. I'm probably overreacting since we very rarely see her, but this has me totally freaked out.