Hi all,

Need your sleep advice. I wrote a post a few days ago here (http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/help-16-month-old-up-for-hours-at-night) about how my 16mo was up for hours at night (2-4 hours). Then he STTN 3 nights. Last night he was up again from 2-4am and fought sleep from 7-10pm until he finally went down after a combo of rocking and fussing on his own in the crib.

I think the waking is a combination of teething and regular sleep issues, which we'd like to fix.

Part of the issue is he fights sleep SO HARD and this has gotten way worse in the last few weeks. It's way harder to get him to sleep at night. It's like he's figured out he's missing out on the fun.

I'm trying to troubleshoot what's going on so we can all get more rest.

We have never really done formal CIO/sleep training (we're drop outs), but usually let him "fuss it out" if he wakes up in the motn, etc, with moderate success. He has always gone to sleep with nursing and rocking, which I know is a no-no, but it worked for us. I figured if he nurses to sleep and then STTN, what do I care?

Well, it's not working anymore. It's taking forever to rock/calm him down. He's hitting himself, chattering, etc. to stay awake. My concern with CIO is he is a kid who if he gets upset, will cry so hard he starts gagging and choking. I'm not willing to do that. I am willing to deal with some mild crying or fussing. The other thing is he will fight sleep so hard. He will stay in his crib awake for 3 hours flopping around, which doesn't seem good for him.

I know a little about CIO methods and "checks" - he also majorly escalates if you go in to check on him, like will go from fussing/crying to SCREAMING and banging his head on the side of the crib (and potentially hurting himself), so IDK how that would work.

The other piece to this is teething - I don't really want to start any sleep training while he is teething. He got 2 molars in around Thanksgiving. The other 2 has yet to come in, but literally for the last 3 weeks, he is drooling and constantly chewing on his fingers, and I can feel the gums bulging. 3 weeks seems like forever for teeth to be coming in (and they are still not in).

Well, if you've read this far, thanks. Would love to hear your thoughts or suggestions. We are all so exhausted! 16 month old is also going to start daycare for the first time in 2 weeks, and I would like him to be rested. And for us not to spend 3 hours putting him to bed. Before this teething mess, he STTN probably 4 nights a week so I know he can do it!