My 21 month old daughter has been sleep regressing for the last 3 weeks. She was sleep trained at 5.5 months (CIO) and have been sleeping through the night until recently. She would go down without a fight and will fall asleep on her own from 8:30 pm to 6 or 7 am. I had it good for awhile.

3 weeks ago, her sleep regression hit. She has sleep regressed a little bit before but if I let her be, she will go back to sleep after 30 mins. Now, she will stand in her crib for 2 whole hours! I usually cap it at 1 hr depending on how upset she is. She is fighting bed time at night too. She doesn’t want to be by herself so now I have to sit by her crib and then leave after she falls asleep. But between 1 am to 3 am, she will wait up. And will not go back to sleep unless we are in the room. Sometimes she wants us to hold her, she wants to stroke my arm, but what she really wants is to sleep in my bed. For the first week, I would take her into my bed but I stopped because I don’t want to start bad habits. I read a bunch of stories about toddlers sleep regressing.

Please share if you have gone through this and what you did. I need help! TIA