So my 13 month old has not STTN since he was 5 months old. For the past 8 months he has gotten up 2-4 times a night. Most of the time I nurse him for a few minutes and he goes right back to sleep. He only sleeps about 11-12 hours in a 24 hour period. He used to sleep a total of 10-11 hours at night, but for the past month has slept only 8.5-9.5 hours at night (with his multiple wakings, the longest stretch is anywhere from 2-5 hours). I make up for it with long naps (unfortunately, he will only nap if I wear him, which is starting to drive me insane).
Should I try consolidating his 2 naps? He has not really fought the morning nap. But would it help him to sleep longer at night?
Should I be concerned that (1) he doesnt sleep that much overall (will it impair his brain/general development?) and (2) his night sleep has dropped? He is generally a happy toddler, but He does has separation anxiety right now.
He doesn't eat as much in the solids department as I would like and still breastfeeds on demand, almost every 2-2.5 hours. I have not started him on cows milk yet because of milk protein intolerance. He is pretty slim and I wonder if filling him up would help him to sleep but he won't eat or nurse a lot at night.
He has had 8 teeth for months, and it looks like he may be teething again. So it could be teething pain, although most of the time he does fall back to sleep after nursing.
Sorry for the super long post. I am stressed out, exhausted and starting to lose it.